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Don't Fear A Trump Presidency, Embrace It

It was election night, and I'm sitting there with goosebumps. I've voted in every national and local election since I was 18. My parents always made sure that I knew the importance of voting, the same way my grandparents gave them that importance. Elections are wild and they rarely turn out the way you expect them to. I live in a red state, I've learned to survive Republican rule and yet this election has me on edge. Every update causes my chest to tighten and my heart to drop lower and lower into my heart.

See, this election is different than any in modern history. Donald Trump has managed to stir up hate that many people long thought was dead. It wasn't just white people who believed we were living in some post racial America either. It might be your uncle or aunt, maybe a cousin. But, you probably have someone in your family who thought this was a post racial America until recently. But it wasn't just racism that he stirred up. Donald Trump stated wanting to grab a woman by her pussy and giving her a kiss was just locker room talk and people vouched for that. People actually feel like that's okay. There's the idea that if someone isn't Christian or Jewish, fuck them, they're a terrorist. Despite domestic terrorism being a bigger threat to America than any other kind of terrorism.

It's not just Donald either. The one thing Donald said that was true is Hillary is crooked. We all know it, she knows it, Bernie Sanders and the whole DNC knows it. She conspired with elites within the party to steal an entire primary election, and it worked. By the time everything came to light, it was too late to do anything about it. She alienated most of her base. But it wasn't just the elite of the Democratic party that let us down. Deray McKesson made a name for himself protesting for advancements in civil rights for black people. Claiming to be impartial and only wanting each candidate to come up with solutions for black issues. That is until emails leaked and we learned that he had been vetted as a DNC Surrogate. So here is the guy people are holding up as the next great black leader, and he got caught lying. But that's okay Deray, I still love my black and yours.

From the start this election was going to leave us fucked whether we knew it or not. It did not matter if it was going to be Trump or Hillary. So when Donald Trump actually won, I had no fear in my heart. I only had anger, and a will to fight. See, if you're not white, you've been put into a corner. When you're backed into a corner, a lot of people tend to give up. People wanting to move to Canada, Africa, Mexico or even kill themselves because Donald Trump has backed us into a corner. It's easy to give up.

But we should do the opposite. We should fight harder than before. We should continue what we were doing under Obama. We should continue focusing on black created media. We should continue building and shopping under black businesses. See, right now, they expect us to be deflated and give up, and we should not give them that pleasure. The people protesting the Dakota Pipeline should not be moved.

America voted for racism, sexism, classicism, xenophobia, homophobia, islamaphobia and everything else wrong with America. But we should not fear that. This is the old America's last stand. This is old White America telling us they aren't happy with people seeking equality and even grabbing it in some cases. You see it's easy to be discouraged right now, but you shouldn't be. None of these issues were going to go quietly into the night because old white people started dying. Instead, they are attempting to make as much noise as possible right now. They will go out with a bang, and a whimper. Right now, there's a bang and explosion of all this pent up hate that people like to pretend went away. But, if we don't back down. If we keep fighting and moving forward. Always forward, never backwards. Then it will die with a whimper.

I'm not saying things were perfect before, because they damn sure weren't. I'm not saying things are gonna be perfect afterwards, because they won't. What I'm saying is, we just got punched in the mouth and our options are to fight back, or to step aside and live with it. I don't know about you, but I refuse to live with it. Instead I'm going to embrace it. I'm not going to open my third eye or wear a dashiki but what I am going to do is be unapologetically black. I'm not going to alter my speech pattern because I'm a formal event with board members. I'm not going to slap five with Chet or any of that other jive.

White America just gave a big middle finger to everyone who wasn't a straight white person. We should smile, then we should kick them in the gut. Not literally, but metaphorically. In 2018 during the midterm elections, we should turn Washington DC out. We should go to the polls in mass, more than when we vote Obama in. We should show that we aren't afraid. Racism is still alive and they are not concealing it. We should not hide in terror because the Klan brought there robes out, we should keep moving forward and looking for a brighter day.

I get it, it's fucked up to look over at your white coworker that you thought was a really swell person, only to realize there's a really high chance that they voted for Trump. You're eating lunch with this person, and you don't know if they're secretly wishing failure on you because you've achieved too much success and have reached a level equal to them. But there's no reason to let that hold you down.

I'm not saying don't call out racism, because if you see it, you need to call it out. The gloves are off people. We saw what a majority of White America really thinks about. Now the question is how do we respond. Do we shuck and jive, learn to tap dance like Ben Carson. Or, do we keep pushing forward even when we're pushed back.

I don't fear a Trump presidency. I welcome it. Because now, all the hate is in the public and it's too late to withdraw it. I know who I shouldn't fuck with. I know who fucks with black people for real, and who is trying to eat off the culture. Look, white people fucked up. Congratulations, you got a moral victory here, but moral victories are for minor league coaches. I mean, shit has not gone well for you in the last 24 hours. They're burning Trump puppets in LA. The police can't get people out of Central Park and Trump Tower in Chicago is under siege, surrendered by the police. The jig is all the way up.

Trump is going to be president. Nothing we can do about that fact. But, what we can do is refuse to be intimidated. We can keep pushing. We can keep building. Trump is president and there's no reason we should fear it. We should embrace it for giving us a reason to have new levels of not giving a fuck.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. So you secretly training to become Batman like me or nah?

    1. I'll be Nighthawk, you can be Batman. I'm out here catching bodies lol

  2. Thank you brother Darrell. Everything was spot on. Keep it lit for our people and I will do the same.

    1. Keeping it blacker than Bernie Mac until I die.

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