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Write For Us

Do you find yourself reading posts and thinking "I'd love to write something." or "I'm better than these guys."?  Well, now is your chance to put up or shut up. We're currently accepting submissions for video game reviews (new and old), movie reviews, novel and short story reviews, anime and comic book reviews. We're also accepting opinion pieces, as long as they fits the themes of the site.

Getting Published

Sadly, sometimes we have to reject things. We aren't able to accept anything in a language other than English, unless it's Latin but that could take me days to translate. We're okay with posting things from other sites as long as you can prove that you wrote it. If you wrote something from a personal blog but also would like it to be posted here, that's fine. However, this isn't Bleacher Report so we can't accept an article if it's just a shortened version from another site like Kotaku. We've got some tips to help you out below.

A) Articles: If you're aiming to get your work published on blerds online, here are some tip suggestions you may want to consider:
  1. Introduction, body and conclusion are required.
  2. Spell check and basic editing are required. If you'd like assistance with editing, feel free to ask along with your submission.
  3. Try to stay between 400 - 1000 words for regular articles.

B) Reviews
: We love reviews. Music, anime, comic book, novels, and even television reviews are all welcome submissions, but we do have some guidelines for posted articles:
  1. Critique don't hate, if you just want to bash something, write an editorial, we'll run it. Try to hit the highs and lows.
  2. Image stills, audio samples and gifs can add flavor and color to your review. Everyone likes visual aids.
  3. If you're going to quote another writer, make sure you cite your sources.

C) Other
: We're pretty much open to anything that fits the theme of the site. If you've got something else you'd like to do, kick us an e-mail and we'll figure something out together. We also don't mind if you prefer to submit articles via email, word or we sign you up as a writer on the site. Either way you'll always be credited for your work and have the same amount of influence as everyone else.

Are You Ready?

There's a quick and easy form for you to fill out RIGHT HERE


  1. How often will you take submissions?

  2. I'm in! Here to represent the blerd community of Australia!

  3. Hi! I'm a black content creator. I write about World of Warcraft. Your website is awesome. I'd love to collaborate on a guest post. =)


  4. I'm gonna give this a shot and hope I can make it.
