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Strange Beginnings

Marvel has long toyed with otherworldly adventure and the outer space environment in each phase of its cinematic universe. 

The Chitauri, an alien-race army controlled by The Other One, were introduced in The Avengers with little to no fanfare from the non-comic readers. Guardians of the Galaxy showed readers like myself that Marvel could explain and go in-depth on how the universe is and branch out instead of thinking all the problems get handled on Earth. Thor 2: The Dark World dropped and in came the Infinity Stones, an “oh ****” moment as Marvel brought this to life. 

Despite inclusion, these films failed to do a good job explaining this other world, leaning on back stories instead, but on Nov. 4th, 2016, that changed—with me being left speechless after Captain America: Civil War, thinking what else could Marvel do—with Doctor Strange’s release into theaters.

A heart surgeon with a marvelous record and wealthy lifestyle? Your typical arrogant snob that you would see in New York who lives in the 1-percent. Marvel hit everything on the nail for a backstory film. Not only did director Scott Derrickson do a good job emphasizing how many times Strange had hand surgery to repair nerves, Strange filled in the blanks left with Avengers and Thor 2. 

With the Ancient One narrating, moviegoers, myself included, were sent on a psychedelic trip through every living matter in all universes. The only solution was to be left speechless like Stephen Strange and asking the Ancient One to teach us.

Strange is the bridge Marvel has been waiting for to connect Earth’s problems to its space problems and finally, this star-studded universe actually feels like what is often advertised as. I recommend for all to take time out and watch—or read— this movie and join me on this magical adventure dealing. With ease, I can say Doctor Strange is the best beginning movie since Marvel launched the MCU and kept giving us more to look forward too and Doctor Strange continues it.

Go out and see this mystical adventure in IMAX (Must See) and let me know on Twitter @TheFlysh


  1. I thought the visuals in the movie were some of the best in any Marvel film so far. But I couldn't really get into the story because I'm just not a magic guy. But it was still cool seeing that they didn't try to make Strange be some nice guy when he just isn't.

  2. Yeah, he is a complete and utter douchebag.

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