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5 Reasons One Piece is Horrible

One Piece has been hailed as one of the greatest manga ever for a while now. Well, let me tell you, those people are wrong. One Piece is horrible and I can sum it up in five easy reasons. I'm telling you right now there are spoilers so don't get on Twitter complaining about them.

1. All the women look alike: Oda does a great job of designing cities, towns and even unique attires for characters. He's got one short coming, he can't draw women. Not at all. He's got 3 faces and 3 body types for women. Everything else is mix and match from then on. It's been over a decade so you'd think he would have it down by now. Instead he's taken on the idea of bigger breast means nobody will notice all the faces are the same.

2. Almost everyone gets a happy ending: Ace is the only one who has died that didn't get a happy ending. Whitebeard died, and he was happy he finally got to see all of his children together again. We thought Pell died, but he made it out okay and the kingdom is doing great. Soldier finally got his real body back and was reunited with his family, also the kingdom is doing great. Nami escaped slavery and Robin finally has friends. Chopper found a place where he belongs. It's all good in the end.

3. Death is Rare: Ace died, Whitebeard died, nobody else died in the present. All the other deaths were in the past. That's if Zoro didn't kill Monet because we haven't seen evidence as to if she survived or not. Probably just paralyzed. Some creators have an itchy trigger finger but not Oda. Nobody is dying so it's okay.

4. Too long: I'm not talking about overall the story being too long. I'm talking about just some of the arcs. Did you know in the time it took the strawhats to get from Fishman Island to Zou that I started college, graduated college, got a job in the field I studied and put in 8 months to qualify for my 401K with about a month extra to spare. But, only about a week has passed in the story. Longest week ever.

5. Too much exposition: Exposition is one of the strong points of One Piece. However, sometimes there's just too damn much. Sometimes we get backstory for characters we will never see again. Characters that will not have relevance to the story in the future. Cutting some of this out would probably help shorten some of these arcs. Like we got more information on the war on Sky Island than we did about the background on Enel, a key character.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.


  1. you forgot how much time they waste just to show new material..In every new episode they waste well over five minutes with the theme song, previous episode review.. and now they feel the need to to tell you the names of every crewmate.. honestly they only show 15 minutes worth of material every week

    1. that has nothing to do with the story of one piece and shouldnt be a reason to call it bad, but ignorant people will be dumb. Nothing i can really do about it.

    2. one piece is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad because it is deal with it

    3. but thats not part of the actual story oda is creating, that’s toei adding filler

    4. more like 5 reasons why one piece is the best

  2. I'm telling you right now there are spoilers so don't get on Twitter complaining about dragon super online

  3. what the heck...??
    i accept that each episode can be spent more on telling the story but if you look back at the 700 episodes there has been so much magnificent story told even with the wasting parts.

  4. How does any of this make it horrible? None of the points you make take away ANY bit of the entertainment excitement and emotion the story brings to manga readers or anime watchers. Also I have seen no talking characters have the same face except for male marines

  5. Worst thing about One Piece, the fans.

  6. I just hate Eichiiro Oda because he has an ugly face but beautiful wife

  7. dimas, Eichiiro Oda's wife did not married him because of his face, she married him because of his personality and how he is not of his face, that comment was so low.

    1. ...because of his personality and his immense shlong

  8. some of the points you made are all okay except that its too long i agree its too long but the rest are fine whats wrong with a happy ending or no one dying that how the show is if you dont like it dont watch it some of the points are what makes it such a great anime and i think no one from the straw hat crew should die.

  9. those are valid reasons as far as I can tell, but they are far from the MAIN reasons one piece sucks (well except the nobody ever dying one, which ties into the main reason, which is...) POWER LEVELS. they are all fucked up. I only got like 30 chapters into it, but Luffy is obviously the generic overpowered shonen main character, who can defeat anybody he wants without breaking a sweat. the same applies to all members of his group. in the whatshisname the cook vs pearl fight, that guy gets crushed, punched in the face etc. and isn't paralysed or even loses a tooth. damage is just brushed off as if they have instant regeneration. that means NOTHING is ever at stake! which in turn means all the action is completely meaningless, and there is NO EMOTION. compare e.g. dragonball z, where characters including the main die quite a lot (ok they come back easily but still, fights are a lot more exciting when you know that somebody can actually DIE there). luffy is literally invincible. can't be cut, can't be pierced, can't be bludgeoned. you won't find a single enemy like that in d&d, cause that is UNBALANCED. also, he starts at epic levels instead of level 1. it's hard to find a more overpowered main character outside of fucking Toriko!

    second reason is that literally everybody in the onepieceversum is completely and utterly retarded! peg-leg cook cuts off and eats his own leg? chest-guy doesn't try to break the chest he gets fused (wtf) with? btw the chest should make him very buoyant, so he would be able to escape the island). pirates let a newbie guy eat a 100000 currency units devil fruit and laugh it off?! when somebody has a "dream", even if it's a fucking DOG, luffy instantly bonds with him and goes to extreme lengths to invoke some twisted sense of morality. however, sometimes that randomly doesn't happen when guys are "evil".

    third, nothing makes any sense. one piece is said to be ALL the treasure in the world. which means nobody else has any treasure. so what do all the pirates fucking sail the seas for then, when there's nothing to loot. also, nami has a chest of valuables at some point, which means (obviously) one piece is NOT ALL the treasure. what a fucking stupid claim to make. another example: luffy swims in a barrel, straight into a whirlpool. when he surfaces, the barrel is nailed shut. so did he nail himself into the barrel FROM THE INSIDE!?! there are tons of examples like that. axe-hand would never work like that and hurt like hell to use when the shaft is literally wedged into your arm stump! more things: ridiculously overcomplicated attacks that never hit, or when they do hit, do no damage whatsoever. shouting out attack names, in-universe. wow how stupid is that. tons of other things. I even did a few chapter reviews on my blog picking apart the first few chapters but got so disgusted I stopped. literally the only actually interesting thing I encountered is the incongruous Kunia flashback, which actually features an interesting character for once! alas, she inexplicably dies after a few panels and zorro doesn't really learn from it either. btw, you see her father' silhouette smiling (!) when she's dead. talk about poor quality control. and I bet in the next 1000 chapters of this dreck there were at least 5 women who were strong fighters, in other words what she killed herself for doesn't even make any sense in the onepieceverse. enough

    1. My dude, watch more one piece. I dont blame you since you are only 30 chapters in, but if you didnt say you were 30 chapters in I would look at you as if you were some ignorant nobody. Also ima correct you on everything you got wrong. Luffy, not overpowerd, neither is his crew once you enter the grand line its a whole different story as you might have seen with Mihawk. Also yes everyone in this show can take a huge beating for some reason, but that becomes normal. Also luffy can be cut and pierced, he even says so himself. Also Peg leg dude did it to stay alive so idk what you are mad about there. Chest guy COULDNT break the chest, idk where or how you got the idea of how he could. Also buggy was on a "special ship" (no spoilers) so the captain of the ship doesnt care about money. Also Luffy sometimes can bond with ememys, very rarely tho. Also idk why you mad about luffy bonding with a dog? No one knows what the one piece is, nor did it say that is was all the treasure in the world. Also come the fuck on, you are getting nitpicky on how the barrel was shut? I think the initial implant of the axe hurt but looks like it would work to me. Also theres no complicated attacks that i know so far, so im not sure what ur talking about. Explain to me what Zoro was supposed to learn about a rivals death? I did notice the father smiling which i thought could have foreshadowed something. Also I dont know where you got the idea that she killed herself? I think the main problem you have is you think very negativly, and with the misinformation you get, it doesnt help. I recommend to watch the anime so you dont get misinformed again.

    2. If you only read 30 chapters of a series with over 1000 chapters I can understand that you have some misinformation but you got everything wrong about luffy. He gets beaten worse than any shonen protagonist that I have seen. Same with his crew. He CAN be cut and pierced and can't be bludgeoned and if you think being super stretchy is overpowered wait until you see the characters who can blow up mountains or literally steal your soul or literally all the logia type fruits where they actually are invincible to piercing, cuts and blunt force because they are literally made out of certain elements. You talk about Dragonball where main characters die but they just come right back so it loses the impact when characters die in the future. Reading 30 chapters of one piece is the equivalent of watching two episodes of DBZ, Naruto or any other shonen and deciding about the whole show from there.

    3. Absolutely fascinating that someone writes this much drivel after having only read 30 chapters. Dude, you have pretty much seen NOTHING of the series and you are not qualified at all to judge it with so little knowledge. Nobody will take you seriously. lol

    4. Incel Incel Incel My guy your only 30 chapters in how about this read more and then realize luffy almost dies so many fudging times idiot, also peg leg dude at his leg because he was starving to death big brain and Zoro almost died as well trying to beat mihawk and he lost even. You dont even know how many people are like 1000x more powerful than luffys crew not to mention luffy can be cut and pierced bingus he gets like cut all the time and stabbed too. Also his power is rubber man no shit he cant be hit by bullets. Alsooooooo Kunia doesnt kill her self she fell down lots of stairs and probably broke all her bones and died so watch more dirst

    5. See this is the problem with yall's community. You can't accept other people's constructive criticism because, according to you, ONE PIECE IS THE BEST ANIME NO DOUBT, NO IF AND'S AND BUTS ABOUT IT. Chill bro cuz at least the commenter gave it a try, and if they aint interested what more do you want?? One Piece isn't for everyone.

    6. it wasnt really constuctive criticism, it was more like someone getting the series completely wrong. i agree with the others guys comments but they went the wrong way with it. one piece isnt for everyone of course, no show is, but he got alot of crap wrong about the show, it was quite silly and kinda feels like bait.

    7. what they said was not constructive criticism bruh, they seem to really hate it and show very shallow reasons as to why. they got 3% into the overall story, which isn’t even at arlong park yet 😭. it’s perfectly fine to not like one piece (at least i think so) cause, like you said, it isn’t for everyone, but at least give legitimate reasons with factual information if you are gonna talk that badly about it. seeing as they’ve barely gotten far into the series, they obviously don’t know pretty much anything that really happens so they don’t have much of a say in hating it that bad. honestly the worst part of the review tho was comparing dbz to one piece. it looks like they just like fighting and action, and that’s not one piece’s main attractive points. the worldbuilding, the characters, the plot, and the lore are what make up one piece’s best qualities and it’s the reason it’s as big as it is today.

      TL;DR: reviewer seems to be talking too much about something he knows too little. if they came for power scaling and fights, they should go back to dbz cause one piece offers so much more than that


  11. Ok then... *cough cough* where to even start (ripping your post to shreds)...

    1. Women in one piece look alike... ok, you're not 100% wrong on that, but there are differences in many. I mean you can find online a game where someone took many of the faces of female characters (and jokingly a few males) and made you guess who they all were. Where it's hard to tell some, many are very noticeable and very easy to decipher who is who. That being said, you can't say everyone is "identical", similar to the semi-racist approach that "all Asians look alike", which is also not true.

    2 (and 3 even) Everyone has a happy ending... and NOBODY dies... hmm, well... lets start with most characters having a terrible past. On top of that you add Roger (the main reason for the story) is executed near the start of the series, Ace is Dead (the authors FAVORITE CHARACTER!), Whitebeard is dead, and seeing all his children together is HAPPY? His commander Ace is murdered which starts the war, and then he himself is impaled multiple times before finally succumbing to his own injuries and dying himself, not sure which part of that is HAPPY. Kuina Zoro's friend as a child dies at a young age. Corazon dies saving Law because he didn't want to give Immortality to Don Flamingo. Newest chapters (SPOILER ALERT) we learn of Odin from Wano who is literally BOILED alive to save his comrades. Also in the Newest Chapters we see Orochi die (probably one of the most GRUESOME deaths) in all of One Piece, for basically being selfish with Kaido. but you know... all ends happily for them.

    4. TOO LONG?! If you're talking about the anime... yes it is, but that's because of FILLERS, but fillers are done to wait for the Author to create more, or give them time to write more story to actually write so there isn't a 4 year hiatus because of catchup. That being said, the manga is impressive with how much there is. Do you realize how much time it takes to A) write a story, and B) draw all of the story boards, shading, writing the dialog, positioning, etc etc. (Meanwhile waiting for it to be translated from Japanese to English on top of that!?). Eiichiro Oda spends almost ALL of his time dedicated to his craft, drawing, writing, (erasing it all and starting over, or fixing mistakes). Yet the man needs breaks. Also why if you keep up with the series you'll usually see "sorry next week One piece is on a BREAK" because it's nice to have a week off from writing once in a while. The man is human, not a superhuman anime character (though superhuman is a decent description of the man).

    5. Exposition is too much? You want less explanation of characters and why they are the way they are. So you want a villain to show up and be BAD just because they're bad? Who cares what makes them tick? So in Batman, you want the Joker to blow stuff up, and cause havoc, but don't care WHY? "He's just a deranged man who has a weird fascination with Batman, and is evil" is enough for you. That's so boring. What purpose is there to care about a character if even the author makes you not care about them. Also the reason Oda explains or does a lot of background of characters is to give you history, sometimes hidden mechanics of the "world history" are in some of the flashbacks. There is a lot of depth, and a lot of history and LOTS of pieces to one piece, that I feel gets lost.

    One piece itself is very similar to Homer's 'The Odyssey', it's an EPIC. A tale pulled out, long, and full of whimsy and wonder, and has a lot to it that you have to pull apart bit by bit to see the whole.

    Sorry you don't enjoy it... good luck finding something with as much depth and story as this series. I'm honestly impressed this anime had me graduate highschool, college, and go through multiple jobs as an adult, and still going strong and just as interesting as it was from the day I started reading it.

    1. Sadly I must disagree with the Joker bit. His lack of a backstory does not take away from his appeal. I mean, look at The Dark Knight. He gave one reason for his scars then later gave another reason for them. One might think that he is dropping clues to his origin, but he is just displaying his ambiguity. TDK joker is one of the best jokers despite not having a backstory.

  12. Bruh, the female characters are much more alike than male ones but they're far from all the same, there are several female characters with faces just as strange as the ones from the weirdest men in one piece. Most of them will have quite different eyes, complete circles, almost closed, lengthy like robin's, somewhat open both closed and open on the sides, noses round and sharp
    Pretty much the only thing nearly all characters have in common is that they're slim, and if that's your problem complain about that, not the whole design, female characters in one piece are more different between eachother than male and female in other anime, this is ridiculous

  13. I guess you didn't major in any English field, because if you had, you wouldn't be writing essays that look like they came from a 5 year old.

  14. come on people at least the deaths are unexpected and yeah sure it might be long but the show really makes you feel like your a part of the crew. One piece may look generic and for kids but it also tackles real world problems like addiction (Punk Hazard), racism (Fishman Island) and gender stuff (Impel down + kambaka kingdom).

  15. *SPOILERS*

    This was, aside from the "all the woman look the same" point, basically just a list of why One Piece is my favourite manga. I agree that the anime often drags on, but thats never been a problem with the manga, and doesn't actually make that much sense.

    If you've ever watched any fight scene from Dragon Ball, you'd know that anime fights drag out, even 1v1. You add a whole crew that you have to show off to prevent irrelevant characters, plus enough people for them to constantly be showing signs of development, you have a lot to draw and write. Some fights will take multiple chapters to fully complete, and chapters only come out once a week. Combine that with the fact that this is an ongoing manga starting in 1997 (first published) that is 1248 (approx) weeks of this mans life going into drawing. Plus the fact he needs breaks. He currently has about 1007 chapters out, and there's still new stories being told.

    The whole point about the fact its got too much exposition just doesn't make sense. If every single villain and character were a throwaway in a story where they travel the world meeting people and face people who have been doing the exact same thing, it would be ridiculous if there weren't connections. Take Crocodile, he was a Shichibukai for years, he was a pirate before that so you can assume he's well traveled, his whole thing was trying to take over a monarchy while running an underground crime syndicate. A man with that many fingers in that many pies is going to have connections. It would have been crazy to never bring that up again. And they did. When Luffy was going to rescue Ace, Crocodile returned! And so did several other connections to the story. All of those people broke out, made a connection and now they're relevant too. If Crocodile never shows up again after all this, I'd be mad and surprised.

    Oda is an incredible story teller, and thats the draw of one piece. If it had a bad plot, or was boring to read, the editors would have cut if off long ago.

    (Also, Enel/earlobes guy did have a backstory, he blew up his island and came to Skypiea, alluding to the existence of other sky islands, where Nami ends up during the two year gap, thanks to a guy who works undercover for Luffy's dad, and is the reason their ship lasted 2 years without them. Everything's connected)

    Back to the point with all the woman looking the same. It's an anime made by one guy (designing at least) and after drawing that many people for that long? Yeah, you're gonna get some double ups. The Nami/Robin thing aside, if you've ever drawn before, you know that you develop a pretty set art style. The fact that you can tell the characters apart proves that not all the characters look the same. And more importantly, they all act differently. Nami and Robin are nothing alike, basically the only similarity is that they're both girls. Compare that to a show like Naruto, if you listed Sakura and Ino's personality traits and goals, you'd find a lot of crossover (no offence to Naruto, just the first example I thought of)

    One Piece is a great story because of the fact people don't just randomly die, and when they do it hurts. Ace, Whitebeard, The Going Merry all ripped my soul out, to the point I avoided buying the volume Ace died in for years, and will sometimes still skip it during a reread.

    This is getting long enough as is, but I think that if you really went through the story with an open mind, and read the manga instead of relying on the show for content, you might see it differently. No hate if not, you're entitled to your opinion, not everyone likes the same things :)

  16. cap one piece is the best anime youll watch just give it a try

  17. Those reasons are pretty damn petty and not even an issue for most people lol. Especially hilarious is that you try to make the exposition out to be a bad thing when all it does is add to the world building and overall detail of the story and characters.

  18. this is one of the most stupidest thing i've ever read

  19. Too much exposition? Who are you to decide that a backstory written by Oda will be irrelevant for the rest of the story. I say wait till the end of the manga and everything will make perfect sense.

  20. I am about 80 episodes in.
    The show has a lot of charm, and I like most of the characters.

    But the fact that no one dies has been annoying me too. And I am not talking about the named characters. I am talking about the nameless henchmen. It would frequently show a whole pirate crew get cut up by swords, yet they all survive with no permanent injuries'. It seems everyone on the show can take a huge beating, yet that is never reflected in the dialog. Everyone acts surprised when it happens. The bad guys certainly don't seem aware of it. They keep thinking they have killed people (including nameless mooks), who just get up.

    And for the first part of the show I found the fights long and boring. But so far, that has seemed to improve after the Fishmen arc. So it looks like the studio learnt a better way too do things.

  21. you are all wrong, and clearly haven't seen one piece or tried looking into the actual depth of the story. Oda masterfully crafts a world in which no detail is spared except when it is a major plot point that gets revealed later.

  22. I love the story and how they go about a lot of things. However i still feel it could've taken a better direction. They spend a lot of time on one island to presumably to make the story last. Because of this i find it annoying. I'm all for a big showdown, just don't make the showdown last 35+ episodes. Like i said i find the story great. The protagonists attitude and mindset awesome. I just wish instead they would've just thrown more islands in, more fruits, more unknown science and, technology but oh well i'll still watch.

  23. I got all the way to Ep 1000 and something, by the time they left whole cake island I was ready to drive rail spikes in my ears, never to hear big mum again.
    I was getting really excited for Zoro getting mixed up with Samurai. What this might mean for his cursed swords, maybe a better way to tap into their power. But nothing, just a new sword he traded for.

    We got bad, annoying new characters. Who mean nothing to plot development. I finally had to google spoilers for a light at the end of the tunnel.

    However, even the excitement of Luffy becoming Joy Boy isn't enough to suffer though this any longer

    The straw hats are hardly working as a team. Even Kiadou was a major let down, and big mum couldn't just be an afterthought. She just had to come back and lose her memory, WTF!!!

    All in all, a good show that turned unwatchable.

    1. only saying this cause you seemed to have like the other parts of it, but trust you gotta read it. it doesn’t drag on as much like in the anime and arc directly after wano is giving us so much info and showing us what other characters are up to. overall it’s been great. but also, wci and wano have a lot more to them than big mom being annoying asf and zoro not getting his sword/kaido not being as cool as we thought. not saying they’re the best arcs, but i feel like you should look back on those two arcs a little more cause a lot of great shit happened

  24. You should walk into oncoming traffic

    1. Holy shit you are such an asshole lmao

  25. Bro this article and this comment section fucking suck

  26. This comment section is cancer

  27. If ya'll don't like one piece THEN DON'T WATCH IT don't go Writing these articles about how bad it is cause WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK your just a grain of sand in the beach your nothing in the world unless you do something that actully matter.


  29. One Piece fans are more lame than the show itself.

  30. To Everyone defending One Piece:
    I can say without a doubt, you must be immature and simple minded. One Piece is trash, and if you defend it, you're either delusional, or simple minded.

    1. I love you. Lol these dudes have no taste

  31. Iam just going to spoil everything because the over all theme of this article sucks and say they kill off luffy… briefly maybe

  32. I love the story and how they go about a lot of things. However i still feel it could've taken a better direction. They spend a lot of time on one island to presumably to make the story last. Because of this i find it annoying. I'm all for a big showdown, just don't make the showdown last 35+ episodes. Like i said i find the story great. The protagonists attitude and mindset awesome. I just wish instead they would've just thrown more islands in, more fruits, more unknown science and, technology but oh well i'll still watch. If you want one piece swords as collection us must visit,

  33. I love the story and how they go about a lot of things. However i still feel it could've taken a better direction. They spend a lot of time on one island to presumably to make the story last. Because of this i find it annoying. I'm all for a big showdown, just don't make the showdown last 35+ episodes. Like i said i find the story great. The protagonists attitude and mindset awesome. I just wish instead they would've just thrown more islands in, more fruits, more unknown science and, technology but oh well i'll still watch. must vist for one piece collection

  34. This post should be called 5 dumb reasons why I'm too ignorant to like one piece.

  35. No! I don't believe this. One Piece is one of the best anime! Its rich storytelling, character development, thrilling action, and profound themes create an unforgettable adventure that captivates fans with every episode. Well I am such a big fan of this anime that I got multiple replica swords of this anime from

  36. No! I don't believe this. One Piece is one of the best anime! Its rich storytelling, character development, thrilling action, and profound themes create an unforgettable adventure that captivates fans with every episode.

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