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Flame of Recca Volume 4 Review: Family Not So Ties

Wow, Volume 4 came strong. It starts with another flashback of Kagero when she sends Recca into the time drift that landed him in present time. Next we see the conclusion to Koganei vs Tokiya. Tokiya barely made it out alive after witnessing all 5 forms of Kogan Ankin. By evaporating the water on Ensui he was able to confuse Kaoru and trap him. Next we see Recca mercilessly oneshot Mokuren and his shitty rock music. But the big fish lay behind door number one. As soon as that elevator opened up, both Recca and Kurei opened fire with both of them tying. Thar didn't last long. Kurei instantly switched to his Duel Links account and pulled out an angel in Kurenai.

So Kurei and Kurenai defeat the gang plus Tokiya easily. RIP to Domon's arm. But then Kagero shows up to let Recca know that he needs to go hard or go home. She allows him to take off his Tekko which unleashes his power. 8 Dragons spawn from this man's arm. I guess he unlocked his Duel Links account as well. These Dragons are savages. They told Recca that in order to get their help, he has to give up something. Of course he offers his arm. Reshin, the ring leader dragon, wrecks Kurenai and Kurei.

Before Kurei does damage his handy dandy team of killers are sent to pick him up, courtesy of his dad. They flee and the Dragons decide to stay with Recca and not take his arm because he makes them laugh. Lame, just lame. Before completely leaving the compound, Kurei comes by a crying Koganei so tells them "Yo, I'm out. I just wanted to do hood rat shit with my friends but yall trying to take over the world", So he quits and they all just walk away.

After the battle is over, Recca and Crew plus Mr Tatesako meet up at Kagero's place which was used as the Hokage compound 400 years ago. She tells them of her identity and the Hokage Clan but Recca doesn't believe Kurei is his brother and Kagero is his mother. The volume ends with 3 randoms attacking the compound. I thought this was a good volume. Recca is finally learning of his past whether he likes it or not. Kurei was defeated but he doesn't look like a scrub in the process. It is weird that he would pull away as soon as he heard the order came from his father. He could have at least snaked Recca before leaving. Also, how sad is it knowing that mo matter what happens, Kagero can never die?

The only thing that I had a problem with his Tokiya and Kurei hyping Recca up as a strong opponent. Recca is the main character so of course by the end of the series he'll be the strongest but as of right now, all his wins have been lucky. Tokiya only beat Koganei because he's smarter but Recca would have no doubt lost. Other than that I thought it was a fine volume. The pacing was fine and the ending was cool. Learning of the Hokage history was fine and makes the future of the series even more appealing. Now let me leave you with this question, what part of Kogan Ankin is a fashion accessory?

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