I know everyone has wondered how come there has never been a second season of the epic, action, packed, suspense filled, and very mature seinen series, Deadman Wonderland. Well the answer to that question is because the first season of Deadman Wonderland was horrible. Now I know you're wondering why I say its horrible. Well, because there were tons of missed things that contribute to the series as a whole that the anime left out.
The 12 episode anime is based off of the first 14 chapters of the anime. This would be everything from Ganta's friends being killed all the way to Nagi's death. But there are lots if things that should have happened in those 12 episodes that didn't happen. In the second chapter Ganta meets a girl named Azami Mido who tells Ganta about the point system and what foods you can buy with the points. Throughout the chapter these two meet up several times and she is last seen when Kozuki, the guy who terrorizes other inmates and thinks he's the shit, stomps on her arm before the the dog race. No she doesn't come back into the story after being hospitalized until after the whole Scar Chain rebellion and Nagi's death. This would be where the anime ended.

In chapter 8 there are two more main characters who made their debuts but didn't make it in the anime. One is Idaki Hitara. He is a very old man who has one eye and dreadlocks. He's pretty stylish for his age and also hip. That was supposed to be a joke but I failed horribly. Either way he made his debut in chapter 8 with another character when they watched Senji get his eye taken out. They were even there with Ganta at the time.

The other character that made their debut in chapter 8 is Masaru "Chaplin" Sukegawa. He is a transgender. Now I know a lot of you don't probably like gay people or transgenders but you will like this dude. What I'm saying is that I know most people feel uncomforable with him being gay.But when you hear his back story you'll like him a lot. The same goes for Idaki. They both have a Branch of Sin and they both with Azami become main characters as soon as the anime ended.
These 3 characters are very crucial to the story but where left out in the anime. This is the very reason the anime can never have a second season. The only way for their to be a second season of Deadman Wonderland would be if the series basically got a reboot. The reboot would be more dedicated to the manga than the original. It would be even better and more twisted than you actually think Deadman Wonderland is. Without these three characters their could never be a second season. To tell you the truth you don't need a second anime to enjoy the series. The artwork is good enough to the point that you don't need an anime. If you really want to finish the series than go on ahead. It ended last July and there will be no second season or reboot so you might as well. You aren't doing anything else with your time but arguing over shounen. Go read some Seinen.
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In chapter 8 there are two more main characters who made their debuts but didn't make it in the anime. One is Idaki Hitara. He is a very old man who has one eye and dreadlocks. He's pretty stylish for his age and also hip. That was supposed to be a joke but I failed horribly. Either way he made his debut in chapter 8 with another character when they watched Senji get his eye taken out. They were even there with Ganta at the time.

The other character that made their debut in chapter 8 is Masaru "Chaplin" Sukegawa. He is a transgender. Now I know a lot of you don't probably like gay people or transgenders but you will like this dude. What I'm saying is that I know most people feel uncomforable with him being gay.But when you hear his back story you'll like him a lot. The same goes for Idaki. They both have a Branch of Sin and they both with Azami become main characters as soon as the anime ended.
These 3 characters are very crucial to the story but where left out in the anime. This is the very reason the anime can never have a second season. The only way for their to be a second season of Deadman Wonderland would be if the series basically got a reboot. The reboot would be more dedicated to the manga than the original. It would be even better and more twisted than you actually think Deadman Wonderland is. Without these three characters their could never be a second season. To tell you the truth you don't need a second anime to enjoy the series. The artwork is good enough to the point that you don't need an anime. If you really want to finish the series than go on ahead. It ended last July and there will be no second season or reboot so you might as well. You aren't doing anything else with your time but arguing over shounen. Go read some Seinen.
Follow Me on Twitter
Follow @GarserTheClown
I'll tell you the real reason why there's no season 2. The ending to the manga was horrible. I don't care, I'm spoiling it. They blew up on island in an explosion stated to be as strong as a bomb, yet fast forward and everything is perfect.
ReplyDeleteI agree that if the series had a second season it would have to be a rooboot like FMA: Brotherhood where it stays loyal to the source. But I still wouldn't watch it because I know the ending was bad just to make sure it was happy.
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Deletethis info from official?? I hope season 2 deadman wonderland
DeleteIf ThErE IsNt A sEaSon 2 I wIlL kIlL mY sElF!!!!! :D
Deleteso if it is this bad why did they make the first season
Deleteso if it is this bad why did they make the first season
Deletebecause you are a dumbass :D
DeleteNo you are a dumnass
Deletedamn........ i hate fuck up anime
Deletei just finished the manga and i say FUCK YOU King Darrell the end was great ! don't listen in this dick head go read the manga you wont regret it people
DeleteThat ending was not great. It was the same ending as the previous arc
DeleteMr.King, the anime was not continued because manglobe the company in charge of deadman went bankrupt. t had nothing to do with quality so stop bitching and moaning about anime and manga that actuall support a beautifully crafted storyline filled with beautiful dynamic characters. The ending might not have suited you and that is okay opinions are a thing after all but don smash on a perfectly fine manga all because you dont know quality when you see it. Also your problems with terra formars are just as shitty.
DeleteGuys there won't be one because the studio that made it went bankrupt
DeleteWho knows another company may pick it up if the show gets enough positive feedback why do you think they made 3 newer movies for initial d that wasn't the original company another company picked it up because of the viewers high want for the explanation of how takumi became what he was
DeleteI don;t know how, but I knew you would spoil the ending in the comment section. But that ending was horrible. It sucked and just made no sense at all. And the chapter was two days late at that
ReplyDeleteYou probably saw my twitter rant when I finished reading. I was upset. I felt betrayed.
DeleteI did see it lol. That ending made me feel like I got punched for no reason
Deletei knew this anime was shit for a reason
DeleteStop talking crap! this was a fantastic anime and its not over!did you see epiosde 13,well theres definetly going to be an episode 14! I loved it ,and it was boss!
DeleteWhat a bunch of cotton picking faggots. No one cares about what a bunch of sub human niggers think.
DeleteI will kill you bitch
Deletei love this fucking anime.. way better then those kiddy ones..i mean the blood. and the adult content, and did i say blood..i love fucking blood. follow me @bloodragegaming
Deletehave you watched tokyo ghoul
DeleteI never watched it but I hear its good
DeleteI'm sad that there wont be a season 2 even if you guys think the ending wasn't good I admired the characters from there back stories to how they try to survive I just want him to find out that the girl was the one who killed all his friends and pined it on him that was so sad when I found out ��
DeleteOh and it wasn't happy either all of people gave up there lives for the chase and now there all alone in a world where people hate them so just think about that
DeleteI can Guarantee they went on a rampage and the military and other governments asked questions.
DeleteInteresting so this is what people like talking about well perhaps they can stick to the Manga all the way till the end then they change the ending up a little. Oh yeah and by the way to the rasist that has no life how about you worry about your own place in the food chain because your lower than dog shit.
Deleteyea the end was actually good they end up good just fucking read the manga
DeleteThem characters can always make a later appearance .
ReplyDeleteIt's cause the creator of the manga witch is a female was pregnant so she took a break be for she finished
ReplyDeletethats my kind of female..
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt was good anime with happy ending the manga i mean I say it needs a second season so it can be complete
ReplyDeleteMy two cents: This is one of my top three manga/anime. However, the anime itself kind of creeped me out, although beautifully done, and the English dub sounded a bit weird. As for the manga, although some things are left unsolved (Ganta's father, how the duo got off the island (bridge still attached, not collapsed?), no news on the explosion, and of course, what happens post-story after she opens her eyes? Did Ganta walk out knowing she'd awake?), but who needs closure for everything? Ambiguity is a beautiful thing; especially when the ending is bittersweet. The storyline did seem to wane, maybe due to the mangoka's pregnancy, but she still managed to deliver good last half that I thought was very well done. The progress and prologue of all the characters were done right but the icing was Shiro and Ganta's maturity throughout the story. The attitudes were typical, maybe slower for Shiro, of course, but they grew up quickly once the events erupted. The fusion of her DID to her one true self definitely sent shivers when I remembered before she was "Aceman," she did have some bitterness before the onset of the Wretched Egg. The beautiful thing with this story was the number of genre that set the mood for each arc. Whether the slight comedy (humor in even the darkest situations), the romance, of course the action, drama were not all in effect didn't matter, they were set in the right places when it did. I think the anime should be redone. The factors, not even storyline, but culturally and time in Japan set it up for failure. The time slot, violence, tsunami, and lack of plotlines killed it. But if redone, I do believe it will shine. A bit tired so sorry if this was not well typed. Had a better one but internet went down! I'll finish it at this: The ending I'm glad was done this way. Yes, maybe a tragic story at the mad if they died on the Ferris Wheel showing a Woodpecker protecting even a rotten egg would have probably earned it an Emmy if possible, but thinking about it, remember...they are kids, they went though so much that if they had not matured and evolved to where they were from the beginning, I can see he would have killed her. But the love, and the theme of understanding (tragic if he understood after she died!) had already set in motion how it would end (pretty sure it was set for them to live when the understanding theme was first used). I just look back to just before Shiro was first consumed by the Wretched Egg: With each other, even if going through hell, those two would smile. Shiro awakening in the prison ward (possibly Psych unit) with that smile, with Ganta relentless in his visits even if his best friend/love was in such a condition...that smile that Shiro gave and that last panel/line in the book is a step through getting out of that hell
ReplyDeleteIf only there was a way she could restart this whole anime over, make it better, and make a second season. So on and so on
DeleteAlso, one thing why I can think the anime was done the way it was. Development was first announced in '09, right after the Scar Chain Arc was completely. If on a deadline and with a plot planned, not knowing how much would remain, I can see why it was finished that way, with an ambiguous ending until the second season. Or maybe it was just meant to be one season, to give readers a version of the manga they thought would hold readers over until the plot continued.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of comment is "i know most of you don't like gay or transgender people"? What about people that are gay and read that comment? Go fuck yourself dude.
ReplyDeletehey im not sideing with him about the comment about gays or transgenders but i don't think he meant it to be offensive for all u know he could live in a small town where their less open minded or a city or state where that is general about that type of thing. I know i did Ive learned to be more open minded about that sort of thing and in a way hes right theirs a lot of places around the world u can get shot or hung if they even expect that you are gay that's why plenty of people move to the united states even then there are states that don't allow gay marege anyways don't go fuck your self just learn from it we all make mistakes and we all say things that may offend people whether on accident or on purpos any ways i liked the animay but i started to read the manga its alot better
DeleteYou're an idiot. For one he never stated anything about not liking transgenders. For two if anything he's implying that he actually enjoyed this transgendered character. For three, it is commonly known that people who have a non-opposite sex appeal are treated with a high amount of discrimination and he stated this so that people who felt this type of way wouldn't give up on this character upon learning of the characters gender. For four, quit making random rudimentary comments just to receive a little attention on problems that everybody is already aware of. Finally, if anything this guy is supporting transgendered people, and you are just a sniveling brat who knows nothing of the world and knows nothing on how the world works you uncluttered biased fool.
DeleteI don't think he (the author) meant it from a homophobic (or transphobic) perspective for himself but I'd take mild offense to him going out of his way and assuming "a lot of you don't probably like gay people or transgenders". Why was that editorial even necessary? Just poor writing on his part.
Deletehe was most likely a christain or a religious person.. cause you know how they feel about it
DeleteI'm just now reading these comments. I meant that most people don't feel comfortable with gay or transgender people. I have nothing against them at all. Plus I'm not religous at all
DeleteAnd fuck all of you who felt offended by a simple mistake. Go fuck yourself
DeleteAnd fuck all of you who felt offended by a simple mistake. Go fuck yourself
Deleteif you are gay and actually reading that, then dont give a fuck man! do i mind when woman posts shit about us man.. i mean real man. not trans.. got it. now tell your boy to fuck u if that is not enough fuck to fuck you with.
DeleteThe comment about not liking gay people is offensive.
DeleteFirst of all the simple thought that we as a LGBT community are all the same and that we should be hated and treated as a group instead of individuals is pretty disgusting.
Second: As a gay person who has been part of the anime/manga fandom for a long time I know that a large part seems to be homophobic, even when they claim not to be. You probably read this before: "I'm not homophobic but I don't wanne see that shit."
Yeah, I know, homophobes are dumb.
The author is literally correct, a large percentage of the U.S. population is not comfortable with LGBT attitudes. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Public-Attitudes-toward-Homosexuality-table.pdf
DeleteJust an FYI I was okay with LGBT a few years ago. But I'm starting to hate how goddamn pretentious your group acts. It's like the blacks' entitlement attitude all over again. The rest of us DO NOT need to cater to your social scruples!
I have brain damage and nobody fucking caters to me. I don't go around chastising people for not conforming to my problems. I DEAL WITH IT!
So, anyway, you can shut the fuck up. Thanks.
As one who hasn't read the manga, I thought the anime was pretty okay. Bummed that there's no second season, but all then more reason to pick up the manga, I suppose.
ReplyDelete'I know most of you don't like gay or transgender people' ? That standalone statement is...Yeah, that was pretty fuckin' offensive and uncalled for.
Giving the OP a little leeway, maybe he just didn't want to offend either side, but it came out wrong. :/
ReplyDeleteI stopped taking everything you said serious when I read the part about most folks not liking gay or transgender people. Meybe you mean YOU don't like them, but don't speak for the rest of us.
ReplyDeletemy first thought was. the anime community is the last to be homophobic. like unless you watch sports anime and dbz all day chances are you arent a homophobic otaku. so maybe he doesnt
DeleteYes! Exactly. I was really put off by that sentence. And the way he phrased it was rather offensive IMO.
Delete'He is a transgender. Now I know a lot of you don't probably like gay people or transgenders..'
Yo. not 'a transgender'. 'transgender person'. Don't write about stuff you know nothing about. It makes you look like a fool, Garsertheclown.
Haha. "unless you watch sports anime and dbz all day..." - oh come on, there is plenty of gender-ambiguity to enjoy in Dragonball Z! You don't have to be an overly hetero meat head to watch it ;)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteReally bummed that there's not a second season. I saw this when I was younger and was really creeped out by the blood weapons. Now that I'm older I love how gruesome it is and there's a lot of hidden meaning that can be seen in between the lines.
ReplyDeleteNigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
ReplyDeleteI really liked the show it was the first anime I ever watched and it was great I loved the story plot. My boyfriend showed it to me and I watched all the episodes in a day or two I don't really remember I really wish they would make a season two!!!!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the show it was the first anime I ever watched and it was great I loved the story plot. My boyfriend showed it to me and I watched all the episodes in a day or two I don't really remember I really wish they would make a season two!!!!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the show it was the first anime I ever watched and it was great I loved the story plot. My boyfriend showed it to me and I watched all the episodes in a day or two I don't really remember I really wish they would make a season two!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys don't know good anime if you didn't like the show. Every book/manga/comic book adaption to a show doesn't have to be exactly the same, then it wouldn't be interesting... I hope the show does get revived because I loved it and I'm sure tons of other people that enjoy gruesome bad ass anime did too.
ReplyDeleteFor real
DeleteI liked the anime.There were few parts in story or in that whats goin at all. It would be cool to see second season. But because of that they didn't put so much stuff from manga in anime, it can't continue normal. But maybe they need just to continue it by taking few things from manga and skip alot, and maybe make something up, they need to make new characters and new stroy line to finish it.
ReplyDeletesorry few mistakes - There were few parts in story and in that whats goin at all that i didn't like. *
DeleteThis is really high concept anime, I loved season one, just for the ideas and potential. If a top anime studio got this it would be even better !!!! Well guess I'll just be reading the manga for now.
ReplyDeleteSome of you niggas are just leaving comments just to be leaving them. The writer didn't mean anything by his transgender/gay comment. Let the man live. Deadman Wonderland is ok at best. Go ahead and read some better seinen. - Taskforce Agent 97
ReplyDeleteFuck you nigger
DeleteRacists bitch, I'm giving you a little attention since you're slow an you need to feel appreciated....
DeleteSaying nigger don't make yo point any more valid stupid pass
You ain't nothing but a bitch made nigga
*and, *your, *doesn't, *stupid ass, *aren't
DeleteSpoken like a true nigger
DeleteWe all know that manga's are way better than animes plus funimation didn't plan for a season 2 whatsoever since its fan base was so poor if I rate it 1-10 I give it a 6 and that's bad coming from me lol
ReplyDeleteNot all manga are better than anime. Yu Yu Hakusho is an example of this
DeleteDude You Yu Hakusho was the shit! Oh man I remember my first reboot of it! That anime officially got me hooked into anime. I did a reboot and watched the series from the beginning a few years later and damn it still had that nice feel to it. And I agree, the manga sucked massively. And don't get me started on the craptastic movies........
DeleteJesus those were horrible. There are some things in this world that will follow you into the next...... And that was one of them....
this is a pointless convo just wait to see. sometimes it takes years to make a new series so stop thinking you know it all if it happens... then so be it if not owell..
ReplyDeleteYou are pointless
DeleteOf course there can be a second season. A change in the first season just means that there is a change in the second as all. Really though, I think the real reason is that the Japanese market is the primary demographic. If it doesn't do well in Japan they are not going to waste their time on a product whose primary sales figures are entirely through foreign licensing contracts. At least not while they can instead focus on products that can earn them money in all markets. There are many great titles that never even got more than an OVA for that reason. On the other hand, a series that does well in Japan and nowhere else will get continued, just not dubbed more than one season.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't normally like horror genre. Many points were far too graphic for my taste. However, the story had a good pace to it and kept me engaged. I found myself wanting to see the kid vindicated in the eyes of the world and to be given his time to truly grieve. I want there to be a second season for that reason, regardless of the manga ending, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
What the fuck? Who do you think you are? I'll have you know I'm the Grand wizard of the KKK and I have had sex with many woman. You think you can compete with that? Didn't think so. I bet you're sitting there with your hand down your pants and sobbing because you haven't felt the warm embrace of pussy in years. Think before you type next time so you won't make such a fool of yourself you worthless peice of shit.
DeleteI understand but you gotta let that hope die
DeleteI know Anonymous is just a troll, but wow, it's so fascinating to see what anonymity can do to someone. Of course, there's no point arguing with a troll, but I have to wonder, from an anthropological perspective, what kind of horrible life does it take for someone to only feel complete through that kind of conduct? It's obvious that they didn't even read what anyone said though, I mean, what does the KKK have to do with a market analysis anyway? It doesn't bother me either way, but it's kind of sad.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, back to the focus of anime, there's no reason letting the hope for something die. If enough people want something it will happen eventually. Just don't go crazy over it is my policy.
Anonymous user, Anonymous, was not trolling. They were being ironical. And it was very good. I lol'ed. Did you know that 'have a nice day' abbreviated spells 'hand'? You're welcome. Hand.
DeleteI just still Waiting For Season 2
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWtf i want them to make a fucking season two isnt that hard use the two fucking bad guys that u didnt use like wtf what about the little girl what happen to her what about her back story what about crow what happen t ok the jail what happen to that girl that has her brother and where is the fucking brother and wtf happen to the giy that keep on cracking his fucking head oh p.s. i laugh so hard when he kept on cracking his neck ��������������like really make a fucking season two like it ended in 13 episodes like wtf inyuasha made like more than 200 episodes this is fucking bold fuck the creators and fuc kno everybody that hate it u people r fucking nuts yay i curse ��who gives a fuck its a free country bitches peace out ✌
ReplyDeleteIf i can rate 1-10 ill rate a 100 bitch fuck it its to funny and crazy i love it nake a fucking season two its not that hard if u can make a season ine u can make a season two theres alot of undertakers out their yay i love cursing its in my blood
DeleteThis anime had so much potential. Have not read the manga but I am sure it is just as shit as the anime. Honestly I think it needs a reboot. Fresh perspective of the story line.
ReplyDeleteThis anime had so much potential. Have not read the manga but I am sure it is just as shit as the anime. Honestly I think it needs a reboot. Fresh perspective of the story line.
ReplyDeleteThe manga was great. Anime was trash because it was only 12 episodes and they changed some of the story
Deletei know right
Deletei like the story and where it was going in the anime, the dub was great pulled feels. awesome anime.
ReplyDeleteif sugakawa is trans, then shouldnt you actually be calling him a her?
ReplyDeletewhy the fuckk didnt they conclude these 3 characters then ..... its the worst anime ending ever seen i swear
ReplyDeleteProbably because they knew the series wasn't going past 12 episodes
DeleteWhy is the manga fan base such a bunch of p*ssy d*ickheads?! How many animes are they going to ruin for the anime watchers? This is exactly what's happening to Tokyo Ghoul; that anime is f*ucking great, and yet the manga idi*ts f*cks the shit up because something was left out. I loved the emo character Kaneki was built as in season 2; not my fault u don't get it…. I want season 2 of deadman and I want it now!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, as an author, u can't just state that something is shit, when u don't have support of your readers. And don't try to tell me u have; u had to explain why, so u can suck my b*alls
The second you mentioned Chaplin I decided not to read the rest of your article. First of all, SHE is transgender. Also, transgender is an adjective, not a noun. It is: she is transgender. NOT: she is A transgender. Another fun point, transgender and gay are not the same thing. If she was transgender AND gay, she would be a lesbian because she identifies as a girl, and to be gay she would be a girl liking a girl, regardless of her sex assigned at birth. Now you know so you don't piss people like me off.
ReplyDeletethe anime company in charge of deadman wonderland went bankrupt this is why there isnt a second season
ReplyDeleteThis website has official confirmations about Deadman Wonderland Season 2 Deadman Wonderland Season 2 Release Date
ReplyDeleteThis website has official confirmations about Release Date Deadman Wonderland Season 2
ReplyDeleteThe studio that made it got bought out.
ReplyDeleteAnime is quite good.
ReplyDeletewelp im still gonna read the manga whether its got a bad ending or not so :)
ReplyDeleteAs someone who loved the anime and the manga, it's sad to see such potential wasted. Even with the plot holes that come with the anime it still had room to go on. I mean to me it seems crazy to leave a story as superb as this unfinished. Can y'all imagine how badass it would have been to see Ganta face off against Shiro or at the very least to see how mockingbird was taken over and enslaved. I mean damn there's so much more to this story. 12 episodes is just a tease.
ReplyDeleteThis is true because the anime adaption of Deadman wonderland was a thown together flop compared to the original manga version of Deadman wonderland. It left out so much. Such as well observed details like; characters,bios, expressions and emotions,nerve reactions, scenes as the arena from the manga was a cage in the anime part. Ganta had changed his clothes just as a early adolescent but not a early child of his past.Shinji reacted to Ganta's battle with Minatsuki by showing it , in the anime he really didn't at all. Last there were fake Deadman in the manga of Deadman wonderland called ninben as well that were left out as well.