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Yelling at the movie screen reviews: Jungle Fever

Fun fact about Jungle Fever: This movie came out 3 months before I was born. Another fun fact, I'm pretty sure this movie is one of the most under-memed black films that deserves it ever made. Seriously, watch this movie again and pause it at certain points. So...many….memes. Also, My dad looks like Wesley Snipes stunt double

He's the one on the left. You can probably figure out who everyone else is in this pic.

Jungle Fever is the 1991 Spike Lee drama where Spike decides to show how much he truly hates Interracial relationships and Italians more. It stars Wesley Snipes fresh off New Jack City in a role where one can only assume we only got Wesley Because Denzel Washington didn’t want to break the heart of his loads of fans who are black women.

It also stars Samuel L Jackson playing his crackhead brother which when you find out that Jackson used to actually BE a crackhead, you watch this role and realize that there's a good chance most of his lines were improvised. Again, keep in mind that the actor playing this role is now getting checks from Disney for two different roles. Also, I’m convinced Sam Convinced Spike To have Gator dancing all the time as he probably did it when he we was still an addict or knows that one crackhead who used to make money dancing like Bobby Brown While Singing New Edition. Or just this guy.

We start the movie with Flipper (Yes, that's Wesleys’ characters name in this film) banging out his wife in the morning to where she's yelling and their daughter ming is listening in. Honestly, I don’t know any kids who realizes that their parents are fucking loudly and isn’t immediately scarred for life. But the fuck do I know? Anyway after walking his daughter to school, we see flipper at work where he meets Angie. When It comes to Annabella Sciorra Let me just say that I kinda get why A black guy would risk it all for her. In this movie, she very subtle and mousey, but let's not pretend she isn’t hot.

She's in her mid 50s and looks like this. I rest my case.

After this we see Angie go home to cook for her dad & two brothers. I’m really trying not to be racist when I ask this, but didn’t two of the guys in this scene go on to be in the Sopranos? Also, these guys are fucking idiots. Meanwhile, back in Harlem, we see Flipper hanging out with his best friend Cyrus played by...Spike Lee. I know It doesn’t fit, But i’d like to think that Cyrus is just Mookie from do the right thing grown up and not a fuck up anymore, but the logic will fail horribly. If this is your first time watching this movie, No, his wife is not played by halle berry, that's just her stunt double for X-men 2.
Back In Bensonhurst, We’re introduced to Pauley, played by John Turturro. If you're wondering why he looks weirdly familiar, it because he kept his career afloat doing Adam Sandler movies. Flippers’ parents, Dr. Reverend Purify and Mrs. Purify, played by the legendary Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis are the best actors in this whole movies. Fight me about if you must.

We see Angie and Flipper bonding over work, food and a discussion on race that might as well have been them saying all lives matter. One thing leads to another, and soon Wesley gets her on the table, gives her the Passenger 57 and makes her bet on black. he walks his daughter to school the next day racked with guilt. Meanwhile, Pauley cares for his father played By Anthony Quinn. Fun fact about Quinn: He's actually Mexican and one of his most famous roles is him playing an arab leader who fought against Italian troops in World War II. also, this guy was friends Mob Boss Frank Costello. So I can only assume this is why Spike just said “Fuck it” and cast him as an old italian man. When we go to the shop that Pauley runs for his father, we see that one of the regular patrons whose racist as FUCK (and is actually turturro's brother in RL) is listening to Public Enemy. I have to assume this is like when Paul Ryan says he works out to Rage against the machine. Also, a black woman who he clearly has a thing for is a regular in his store and everybody knows he wants to smash. Can’t blame him.

To answer your question, Yes, that's Doughboy & Ricky's mom from Boyz N The Hood

Flipper decides to jeopardize his life by telling his best friend that he cheated on his wife. Its at this point I cannot feel sorry for him any further as we as guys KNOW when we have that one friend who can't keep a fucking secret. Same goes for angie in this moment. Seriously, her friend off jump says it's disgusting. It's only a matter of time. And of course, Flipper comes home to his wife throwing his shit out because, SURPRISE, Cyrus is a snitch ass nigga. And due to him being kicked out, now he has to stay with his parents. Thus comes the most annoying part of the movie in my opinion. Drew and her friends start talking about drew's problems and how men are dogs. Expected. One of them brings up that they might need to start dating white guys, which I’m actually not against really. She brings up that all the black men out here are gay, in jail, a drug addict or just the wild fuckboy. And this is where I have to disagree slightly as there are good black men, they're just “ugly” or “corny” dudes with good jobs. Drew essentially backs me up on this. Then the usual Twitter fallacy of “I want a good man whose highly educated and earns alot but isn’t a dick” comes out. Of course then the argument of “well white women throw themselves at black men” yeah, but to be fair, the kinds of women who purposely throw themselves at black men are can I put this?

Id finish transcribing this, but basically this sounds like every Twitter argument about interracial dating you've ever heard. Flipper goes to try and win his wife back and arguably the best song on the soundtrack plays behind this scene. The issue of colorism is mainly the focus and its more overacted than english dub hentai. Anyway, angie breaks up with paulie and after he locks himself in the bathroom to cry, Anthony Quinn gives him the real ass speech every father needs to give his adult son when he gets his heart broken. Seriously, watch the scene. That's being a good father goddamnit. Also, Lou’s idea of a good marriage would get him called ashy today by a bunch of people who will likely never get married.

Meanwhile, Angie's father confronts her about dating a black guy (her friend obviously snitched) and gets Ike Turnered across the room. Seriously, it's a tough scene to watch. and the scene after is basically discussion on r/interracialporn. thus begins the most awkward scene of the whole movie. Seriously, this is how you know Dr. Purify didn’t raise his kids right as anyone with a black father from the south would know not to bring a white woman to his house he wasn’t about to marry, and even then it would get awkward. But he brings his SIDECHICK. But, he does give an epic monologue about slavery and race mixing that frankly sounds like every hotep when they found out the popeyes lady is dating a white guy. Anyway, I have to say the song playing in the scene where Paulie asks out Orin is my favorite from the soundtrack. I wanna play it at a wedding. Not mine, as considering who i'm probably gonna marry, it won't fit. Pauley on the other hand decided to just hit the YOLO button and ask out Orin, and I give him credit for trying.

We come to find that Gator has stolen his parents TV and Flipper is sent to find it. I gotta say that this scene is actually well shot, and for some reason Charlie Murphy is here. Yes, allegedly kicked rick james into a mirror Charlie Murphy. After telling Gator to fuck off forever, Pauley gets jumped on his way to see Orin, flipper and angie break up. Gator goes to his parents house to beg for money again, and all hell breaks loose to the sounds of mahalia jackson. Seriously, Spike. You made me watch a crackhead die of a gunshot wound in his mother's arms. All three actors are A-tier. Where's your fucking oscar? the movie ends with flipper trying to have makeup sex with drew. I don’t don’t know about you, but I couldn’t maintain an erection during sex if the woman was sobbing. Id feel like im in the cold opening of Law & order SVU. the final scene of the film is so batshit I leave it unmentioned just so you’ll have reason to watch it. Its actually a great movie as long as you remember that this is a 90s indie movie, and thus is quirky by nature at points.

This submission comes courtesy of @awkblerd who you can keep up with on Twitter or hear him on The Lansing Anti-Hero Podcast.

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