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Poem: Guardian Hair by Garser Dismuke

Guardian Hair
Garser Dismuke

It coils, it sings
It's nappy, it gleams
From sun up to sundown
The strands sound from the base, my scalp
It's my love, my child, my best friend
It shields me from the sun, the cold the rain
It hides my love, the pain, and the shame
It covers my eyes when the sun is powerful
It covers my ears when the wind is wicked

My hair is a goddess that protects me
She sings me lullabies that put me to rest
She loves me no matter how hard I pull
No matter how I wear her whether it be Ponytail, braids or twist
I’ll be alright
Oh My God it's the springtime
My hair is going to be at full power
Let's hop in my car
It's time for a ride

The cool air flowing through my hair
My sideburns are having fun also
Through the hate and the screams
From Men and Women teams
My hair is here to stay
My hair and I are here to play

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