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4 Powerful But Forgotten Heroes

Sometimes heroes fade into the past no matter how strong they are. It's understandable, the Marvel Universe forgot about Blue Marvel, one of their most powerful heroes for decades. So why couldn't people in the real world forget characters who are fictional to us? I sat down and put together a list of four of the most powerful heroes we ever forgot.

1. Captain Atom: Nathaniel Adam was an air force pilot who was killed during a test gone. But he wasn't really dead. Instead the atoms that make up his body were constantly splitting and fusing together again. This causes his body to have an infinite amount of energy he uses to give him his various superpowers. He's near invulnerable, can fly half the speed of a vacuum in space, almost twice the speed of light, he can absorb any kind of energy and project blast of energy from any part of his body, grow and shrink in size as well as transmute objects into anything, limited only by his imagination. He served as the inspiration for Dr. Manhattan when DC thought Watchmen would be too dark to use Charleston characters.

2. Icon: I want you to think of Superman, now make him a lawyer with hundreds of years of experience in not only American, but international systems of law as well. Now go ahead and give him the ability to manipulate energy and the healing factor of Martian Manhunter. Congratulations you have Icon, the only black republican that you're not related to, who's still allowed at the cookout. The man fought Superman to a draw then sort of just vanished with the exception of a few appearances in Young Justice. Milestone, hurry up you're taking too long with the reboot.

3. Sentry: Martian Manhunter has all the same powers as Superman, plus a few more. Now, imagine Martian Manhunter but we take away his psychic abilities and give him the ability to resurrect himself from the grave. I'm not talking regenerate a body from a few cells. I'm talking snuffed out in the casket and you just feel like getting up from the grave. That's Sentry, one of Marvel's most powerful heroes that you don't hear about. Mainly because Marvel always finds some kind of way to erase him from the memory of the world.

4. Gladiator: He's the leader of the Shi'ar armies and sometimes known as Gladiator due to his love of fighting. He's one of the most powerful non gods in the Marvel universe and he wants everyone to know. Earth's mightiest heroes should be glad he stays in space or they would be out of a job. This is a guy who almost beat Thor when Thor wasn't holding back. Have you seen Thor when he's not holding back? It took five people using the Phoenix Force and attacking him at once to make him temporarily retreat. People better be lucky he's out the hero game and in the politics game now.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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