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5 Reasons Pokemon is better than Digimon

One debate that will rage until the end of time is: Pokemon vs Digimon. Everyone wants to know which one is better. Well, the answer is obviously Pokemon. Here's a list of 5 reasons that Pokemon is just plain better than Digimon.

1. Simple Evolution Trees: It's a very simply process. Every Pokemon belongs to it's own tree unless it's a legendary, then it has it's own tree. Your Bulbasaur won't accidentally evolve into an uncontrollable demented version of Ivysaur or something completely different. That kind of thing only happens with Digimon. For comparison, Evee has 8 evolutions and Veemon, has at least 13.

2. The Friend Factor: No, I'm not talking about becoming friends with your Pokemon. But, you can make friends in real life because of Pokemon. How many times did the shy kid slide into the group trying to finesse that Rayquaza trade? I know I did, and I got it. You ever seen anyone trade Digimon? Nope, exactly.

3. Just Better Games: Yes, Digimon do have some great games. But, overall Pokemon just destroys them. Then there's long periods with no Digimon games while Pokemon are dropping thriller after thriller. Thriller may be the wrong word to use but we can't deny they create some immersive worlds. More than a digital world anyway.

4. Innocence: The thing about Pokemon is plays to all of our innocence. It doesn't matter how old you are it comes back to an innocent time in your life. It's a good way to relax and can really be a form of stress relief. It's just a break from the adult world we live in and it's not going to go out of it's way to include extra violence because kids love it too. The Digimon universe totally has crime for the sake of crime, enough to need real police and SWAT teams. Not just Officer Jenny and her Growlith. Like, there's crime serious enough that you will get your door kicked in by guys carrying automatic weapons.

5. The Lore and Adult Themes: Don't get me wrong. Digimon has both of these. The difference is that Digimon just lays it all on the table and says "here you go, enjoy." With Pokemon there's always more that you can find by digging. Most of the lore isn't even in the Pokedex or stories. Instead you have to read just about every piece of random text in the game books and hunt down random characters to learn more about the lore that isn't given to you. Same with adult themes. Digimon has them and lays them on the table while trying not to go too far. Pokemon just hides references to people having sex with and marrying Pokemon. They're jumping clear across the line. The kids won't understand anyway.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Never watched Digimon but cool article.

    1. Why haven't you seen Digimon? I hardly even know you anymore lol

  2. Now I know this is bullshit, coming from this biased writer who doesn't know jack shit on Digimon, Digimon Beats pokemon in every way from the anime, it has a better Mythos and relatable characters, plus, Digimon doesn't insult their history by repeating the same thing over and over.

    1. Naaaaah.Mew and Arceus is more than enough to pwn all the Digimon.And all the Digimon's names end with mon.I don't care if you say Digimon is better,coz Pokemon will always be the best Nitendo game they've ever released.(I don't care about your Whatisthisassholesnamemon coz my Charizard and Greninja will own you in a second.)

  3. i agree pokemon all out the BEST! digimon just overrated franchise that fans love to pit in to look more legit while the truth just small "fly" want to justifies its exist lol...

  4. As shows, Digimon is wayyyyy better!
    As games, Pokemon games are better but digimon still has awesome games.

  5. The first generation began in Japan with Pocket Monsters Red and Green for Game Boy. Due to their popularity, Pokemon Red and Blue were programmed for international play.

  6. I wouldn't say Pokemon is better than Digimon or vice versa. Pokemon has some good monster designs, great games, and interesting societal aspects like Pokemon gyms and Pokemon helping people with everyday work. Digimon is more mysterious in its presentation. It also has really good monster design (although it can get a bit too busy in higher digivolutions) but it also has a sense of real friendship between monster and human that you don't see too often in Pokemon.

  7. Pokemon is better at least their monsters don't look like they are trying kill you when they are weak and die if they get to weak but Pokemon just nearly faint. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo the best franchise in the world!!! They also stand right next mario in the best franchises in the world.

  8. Digimon is better than pokemon,wanna debate it?

  9. At least Digimon has villains that actually mean business, and target the children because they actually understand that they're threats to their plans, whereas the villains of Pokemon don't think highly of the heroes.

    1. that's like the point. team rocket, team skull, etc are just idiots and its the best part for me. it is so much fun to watch them be stupid and act super surprised when they loose! also, why do we need any shows rated for all ages with people attacking children just because they are smart and there is so much violence! don't go telling me i haven't even watched digimon because i have. try to change my mind.

  10. In my opinion, pokemon is more casual and directed to a younger audience, and its simplicity makes it accessible to mostly everyone, while digimon is more complex and people need more time to get into it. I've seen some people say that pokemon are far stronger than digimon, and while that is completely, utterly stupid, as digimon have evolutions that matter and arent just "ooo moster go upgred" (no offense, im using this for both digimon and pokemon), because pokemon evolutions are more like real evolution, while digimon is fantasy transformations. Thank you for reading this comment.
    With love, by a fan of both franchises.

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