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3 Reasons Arrow Should Be Cancelled

I like Arrow, I've written about my love of the show before. I live tweet it every week. Despite what people say about Oliver being too close to Batman, I defend him. Every villain is not a Batman villain, sometimes Green Arrow does brood. But, the show has reached a new low. I was willing to keep watching and hope it got better. I just can't sit by and keep watching this show. It needs to be cancelled and here's a few reasons as to why:

1. It's not actually a Green Arrow story anymore. In the past the writers stated they wanted to stick with what made Green Arrow, Green Arrow. Yet now they're killing off Black Canary because they "felt like her story was done" additionally they've already gotten rid of Roy Harper, a Green Arrow mainstay. Sure, it's television and we should expect some changes, but c'mon, we're not even making acceptable changes. It's like they're introducing and killing characters based on who they like more. Wait, that is what they're doing.

2. The show has filler. For those of you who watch anime, you know filler is just random fluff thrown in to take up time because the anime has caught up to the manga. It's not something that happens in live action TV, unless it's Arrow. We've got Oliver flashbacks, Diggle flashbacks, dead Laurel flashbacks, killing Black Canary but introducing a new one the week after. Killing Sarah, to bring her back. There's so many things that happen in this show for no reason, that have no effect on the status quo. Remember Oliver's secret son, and now he no longer has any relevance to the story. That lasted less than half a season, but it took up plenty of time. What about Thea's blood lust? That only comes up when it's convenient to the plot.

3. The writers aren't actually writing the show. You know who is writing it? Shippers. The people who pair characters together. They're the ones actually influencing the show's future. Don't get me wrong. I like Felicity and at one point she was one of my favorite characters. But, I'm so tired of this Oliver and Felicity relationship being slammed into my face every week. It's become will they get together? Will they stay together? Will they break up again? Will they get back together. It's exhausting and takes up a large portion of the show that very few people actually care about.

I know for a fact I'm not the only person who feels this way. People who used to love the show, yet they now watch it as if it were a chore. Do you think Arrow should be cancelled? Leave a comment and let me know why you think it should be cancelled.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. No it shouldn't be, fuck boi. You don't like it? Well then stop watching it. :)

  2. You're right a few people might agree with you. But that doesn't mean you should want the show cancelled. Like these are people's jobs you're talking about, they love what they do and you being upset that the show isn't going you're way doesn't mean it should be cancelled. Like that's some entitled shit da fuck. IF YOU DONT LIKE A SHOW. NEWSFLASH STOP WATCHING IT. Like it's that god damn simple. At this moment the writers have said it over, and over agin. THIS is THEIR version of the Green Arrow. So leave it be, I don't understand how people can continue to hate on this show every week it's on and say all this nasty spiteful shit and not get bored of themselves. If I don't like a show then I stop talking about it and move the FUCK on. can't wait for season 6 though.

  3. Just because you don't like the show, doesn't mean you and your annoying ass negative opinions get to ruin it for the people who do.

  4. The show is awesome! And if you don't like you can stop watching it but keep your ducked up opinions to your self!

  5. I think you are right.I used to be a good (not great)show . Now it has become really boring to watch.I still watch it if I am free but don't really follow it now.

  6. It's not a good show anymore. Simple.

  7. It's got old and boring for me now. The family doesn't watch it anymore and we used to watch it every day. I still think there's some Arrow fans, though, and it should not be cancelled.

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