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What Deadpool can do for Superhero Movies

At a very young age I knew two things: Marvel > DC, and Deadpool is fucking awesome. I know you are thinking what do those statement mean, well first Marvel > DC should be common sense but to get to the point Deadpool is perfect for the cinematic universe for both companies. I'm assuming that if you are reading this you have already seen Deadpool but if you haven't I don't care its been almost a month your loss.

Anyways when people saw the rated R rating for Deadpool they got scared and didn't think it would sell or be good. Wrong, Deadpool shattered rated R movie records and sold 300 million world wide on its debut. Not only that in my humble opinion I personally feel that it is one of the top two Marvel movies made in the last decade. Yes, better than Age of Ultron, Avengers One, and Thor: The Dark World (Sidenote: Cap 2 > Deadpool). The movie followed the comics almost to a T and every single fourth wall break was fucking hilarious, Fox did not hold anything back with this movie nothing was untouchable, no one was beyond getting ripped apart or getting their respective brains splattered.

With Marvel entering its third phase and DC building its cinematic universe this is the time to take advantage on what Deadpool just did. With DC always been associated with a dark tone, I want them to attribute that to their movies especially with Suicide Squad. This is a movie based on villains who have a bomb planted in their heads and if they don't comply they get killed. Add on the fact that the Joker is in this and plays a integral role with Harley Quinn, DC would be idiots in my opinion to not capitalize with what Deadpool did. Next, I'm looking at you Marvel with Captain America: Civil War, this movie has been talked about having a darker tone then previous avenger movies, they should absolutely be taking advantage and make this movie rated R or willingly to show deaths and or bloody fights. I know Marvel did the smart thing and capitalized on young kids with the kiddy like feel around the avengers movies but i say it again this is the time to get serious and fully transfer the feeling us readers and fans get when we do see someone get killed or badly beaten up.

I want cursing, I want no holds bar fighting, I want the humor that is reserved for older people. I guess what I am saying is, the kiddy shit was cool to create the universe and build these characters to the public but now is time to show that superhero stories are not always happy endings and sometimes our favorite heroes die.

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