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Your Unpopular Black Opinion is Stupid

Recently the hashtag #MyUnpopularBlackOpinion has started popping up on Twitter every day. It's filled with people stating how their opinions go against the standard for black culture. At first it seemed like a great idea. It seemed like it would help break down stereotypes and show that the black community isn't some monolith. I was all for this hashtag. Then I started reading the tweets. While there are plenty of people simply proving that the diversity in the black community, the most popular tweets aren't that. To put it simply, it's a bunch of uppity negroes preaching respectability politics. So I figured I'd tackle some of the more popular ones and tell these people why they're so damn stupid.

This is a really popular one. I chose to use this tweet because it sums up a lot of them. Arrogance and respectability politics. Proper English doesn't exist anymore, the term you're looking for is standard English. You're absolutely white. People actually thought the CP Time Podcast was made up of nothing but white people because of the way we speak. Shockingly, we are not white. The idea that you dialect makes you white is stupid. However, your opinion is just as stupid. You decided you would use this as an attack on other member of your race. You suddenly decided that anyone that doesn't use the same dialect and vernacular as yourself is beneath you.

Actually less than 70% of black people graduate high school. It's even less when you just look at black males. Yes, it is a reason to celebrate. Sure you're supposed to make it out of high school, but a lot of us don't. A lot of us end up on the school to prison pipeline. I'm a college student, but that's by choice. You don't need to go to college. A lot of people create great lives for themselves without a college degree. Your problem is you decided to look down on everyone that didn't follow your life path.

No, you're just dense and want to get some attention by clowning black women. That's all you get because I gave you attention for your stupid opinion.

Madea movies are stupid. I hate them, they aren't funny and I'm pretty sure Tyler Perry always makes a dark skinned man the villain in his films. Do they make all black people look stupid? Nope. The films have just as many millionaires as poor people. Just as many hard working people as criminals. With the exception of the Madea character, Perry does a good job of not painting black people as stereotypes or a monolith. When you add in his other less comedic works like House of Payne and Meet The Browns it's even more obvious. I don't like his work because I feel it's over the top, but calling it all ignorant is silly. I also applaud Tyler Perry for building an empire when it's extreamly hard to get funding for black media. The Boondocks poked fun at Tyler Perry for being over the top and possibly a closeted homosexual, but even then they acknowledged and applauded him for all the hard work he put into building his brand.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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