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I'm Sick of You: Relationship Goals

I know damn well everyone is sick of this stuff. Every time you get on a social media site, some lonely ass dude or some nugget head female is talking about how they want their relationship or how a true relationship is supposed to be. No Omarion. People talking about their relationship isn't; even the problem. Its what makes up the relationship. People want a relationship with Netflix, pizza, talking 24/7, texting every second, riding and dying together, matching clothing, and lots of other dumb shit.

"The best relationships consist of eating pizza and watching Netflix". Whoever started this trend needs to kill themselves. Netflix is not even that good. Some shows only have one season and most of the movies are good but do you really want to see it again because its most likely coming on TV in a week. Besides Original tv series, Netflix is basic. Pizza is Delicious but it is not god. It should not be worshiped every second of the day.

If you talk to each other all day long, you will get tired of each other very soon. If you talk to each other 24/7 period, you might have even bigger problems. One of you must be forever lonely and the other has an attention problem. Seek help not each other. Matching each other is cute but it gets old very quick. Plus no one else cares.

At the end of the day, no one gives a damn about what you want in a relationship. You most likely stole your goals from the last nugget head person who said it 30 minutes ago. Also these goals suck because its basic shit two people who aren't in a relationship do. If you look forward to these goals then you have a terrible ass experience with dating. You must be broke as hell. In conclusion, stop it.

Nugget: A person who is very immature or just plain stupid.


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