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What Happened To Toonami

Toonami was a huge part of my childhood. Most likely part of yours as well. When it returned we were all grateful and tuned in faithfully. Then it all changed and now the ratings struggle. People are no longer excited about Toonami. So I ask, what happened to Toonami? I'll tell you, it's not a simple answer. There's a lot of things wrong. First lets take a look a the current lineup and all the problems the shows face.

1. Dragon Ball Z: Kai - What can I say, it's a legendary series that started the love of anime in a lot of fans. That's the problem. Kai is just a new more censored and nicer looking version of the classic Dragon Ball Z. Almost everyone has seen Dragon Ball Z before. There's no point for a lot of us to even watch the show. We've seen the show. We've read the manga. We've seen the movies. We even sat through GT. Why would we watch it still. There's a lot of people who are hardcore DBZ fans but most of us, just won't tune in to watch it.

2. Kill La Kill - This is a series that divides people. I'll keep it simple and blunt. Lolicons love this show more than anyone else. Some people find it funny. Most of us are just walking away from this. It's an off putting show and it markets to the lowest common denominator. You can say I'm being judgmental but you can't deny the fact that lolicons get hot and heavy over this show.

3. Sword Art Online II - The first series started off great and then things started turning fans away. First it was the tentacle monster that assaulted a child in something straight out of a hentai. Then there was the old man who wanted to marry Asuna. Then there was the incest with Kirito and his cousin. Sword Art Online is a good show that does everything it can to drive people away. Seriously, it would be a great show with a great story if they stopped towing the lines of incest and pedophilia.

4. Inuyasha: The Final Act - What can I say Inuyasha has been around almost as long as DBZ and it's a great show. Problem is it's so long and repetitive nobody ever sticks with it. But hey, they're in the final act now so maybe people will hold out. Maybe if this was 2005 it'd do incredible numbers.

5. Naruto: Shippuden - Hey, if we cut some of that filler it'd be a perfect adaptation of a really good manga. If someone says they hate the Naruto anime what they mean is they hate filler.

6. One Piece - Hey, if we cut some of that filler it'd be a perfect adaptation of a really good manga. If someone says they hate the One Piece anime what they mean is they hate filler.

7. Attack On Titan - Started out with a lot of hype. People called it the next great anime. That pacing slowed to a crawl and the story became incredibly predictable. Now the thrill of the show is gone and only the die hard fans won't admit it. Anyone else watching is just a completionist and they're sticking with it because they don't like to drop things.

There it is, the Toonami schedule 7 shows that either cater to a specific audience, past their primes, or lost the hype. But, that's not all that is missing. Where's the comedy? Toonami has always had comedy shows to break up the seriousness of the other shows so people aren't overexerted from watching action non stop. Where is the comedy here? You could say Kill La Kill is the comedy but most people aren't going to sit through the show filled with over the top lolicon or ecchi action, depending on who you ask.

Another problem is a lot of the shows are older. I get it, it's hard to get the rights to newer shows. Maybe try some shows that aren't as popular. Naruto, One Piece and Dragon Ball are always going to be big hitters for Toonami. That's the way it's always been, but maybe it's time to try something else with all the other slots. Maybe try some shows that aren't putting off certain demographics.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Sounding like a hater right now Darrell, Kill La Kill is dope, SAO 2 makes up for season 1. AOT is good money as far as season 1 is concerned (not sure how the story is now since I don't read the manga). That Inuyasha Final Act shade wasn't cool even if it's true lol. I agree with DBZ Kai. Toonami came back and was lit. Now it's at a stand still but that doesn't mean Toonami shouldn't of have come back. I will admit that Toonami Faithful are annoying. Eh Toonami should do fine. -Taiwan The Great Commenter

    1. Toonami should have come back of course. I'm just saying that most of the shows don't interest people anymore or they've driven away parts of the fan base.

  2. I've watched a couple of episode of Kill La Kill and I don't get the Lolicon vibe from it at all. Yeah, okay. Both the men and women wear super skimpy and tight outfits, but that's pretty par for course for anime. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm too busy following the story which is actually pretty interesting if you can get past the flashiness and over-the-top violence.

    I do agree that they need to invest in other shows. I actually would love it if they brought back the weekly anime feature movie. I think that would get some eyeballs.

    1. The lolicon vibe could be a personal thing. I just feel like some of the characters look way too young.

  3. I remember one piece from way back on fox kids Saturday I think. But the only other current one I am watching and reading is Attack on titan, I read the manga an then watch the episodes on Netflix sub, I don't feel the pacing is too slow, but if u were watching it on Toonami then i would have to agree with u waiting a week for a new episode, so maybe u are right I got on late so I can just watch them back to back with ease. i think its a great anime sort of like a drama tv show except it being anime I'm 80% done with the 1st season in the manga an anime, all great so far.

    The only other full season of anime I watched was Hellsing the original, but I'm just now reading the manga an about to watch the new version of hellsing, I also stated Hunter x Hunter, but I will not read that manga, its just not the type of thing I would want to read an I hear the anime covers everything good.

  4. Did you see SAO II? None of the bullshit from season one is in it. They turned their shit around and went back to like it was before the fairy shit happened

    1. My point was that SAO II managed to turn enough people away from the series that most won't watch the second just because it's on TV.

  5. Your opinion is shit, the ONLY bad show on Toonami is One Piece!

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