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World Trigger - Underrated Neighbors

World Trigger is a manga that started running in 2013 and received an anime but hasn't received much hype outside of that. Admittedly it's a somewhat strange manga that attempts to blend together comedy and action. A manga that's just as likely to feature a duck face on every page as it is to show someone losing a limb on every other page. It's a strange combination but is it worth checking out?

World trigger takes place in a world where portals between dimensions spawn at seemingly random times. The monsters that come from the other side of the portals are called Neighbors and have been locked in a battle with Earth's defense force called Border. The story follows Osamu Mikumo, a rookie border agent who wants to change the way Neighbors and Humans interact. As well as Yuma Kuga, a neighbor who wants to make Osamu the top ranked agent of Border.

Overall the characters in World Trigger are pretty cool. They've each got something unique going for them for the most part. However there are some generic characters that are simply there to fill space such as Yotaro. He's just a kid who is there to fill space as comedic relief but there's not really any point to it considering the main characters provide enough of it. There's also a few generic character like Jun or Jin but they're just so likeable that you don't hold it against them. There's also a nice balance between characters who joke around and characters that always serious. Osamu rarely makes a joke but Yuma is the funniest character in the manga. I also appreciate how it completely avoid the loli route with Chika. The manga actually avoids fan service for the most part.

The comedy is abundant and there's some drama, but the fights. The fights are crazy. Like Britney Spears umbrella crazy. I'm talking jackin in San Diego crazy. It's not out of the ordinary to see a person impaled, amputated and decapitated in the same fight. Now it's not overly bloody because there's a system in place to protect fighters so it's rare anyone actually dies. The neighbors they fight come in 3 forms. I kind of made these forms up. There's monsters, that look like monsters. There's mechs that act more like trolls and there's humanoid. You do not want to fight a humanoid neighbor. Sure they can be killed but they'll probably kill a dozen of you beforehand.

The art style really helps with the battles. A lot of manga artist draw the background in great detail during the battles. That's cool and all but it doesn't really make it look like an action scene. World Trigger has backgrounds during motion scenes drawn lightly and somewhat distorted. It's a small change to make but it really makes for great looking battles that hold on to your attention.

World Trigger is a little strange but it's great at the same time. Equal parts comedy, action and drama make for an odd yet pleasing dynamic. It's a story where nothing is done without reason. There's no random plot points left wide open for 40 chapters. Questions get answered in a timely manner. It's odd, but something you should check out.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. There are few things about this article:
    1. I thought this was going to be a ranking of Neighbors, not somewhat of a review.
    2. Names are misspelled in this: Osamu, Britney Spears
    3. I think it's important to note that the series is very clearly targeted toward a younger audience, especially when you consider the anime and the time it airs and the recap at the end of the episode where they explain all the technical bits over and over again. This would be why there is no fan service, no sex jokes and no blood.
    4. As far as hype goes, for a manga series to get an anime after a year in publication is a big deal. Especially for the size of the first season's order! On top of that, it's still ranked very on Crunchyroll(#10), surpassing Sailor Moon and only being beaten by super popular series like Naruto and One Piece and a few of Spring's newest series. It's no secret that manga isn't as big as anime is in the states anymore because it's more readily available and much cheaper to get than it used to be.
    5. As far as reasons to watch, there are many: unique storyline, a large cast, an interesting universal setup that is complicated, fantastic character design (shows range in size, gender, and coloring -- clothing and hair mostly), a nice balance between real fights and training, complicated interpersonal relationships with its factions within the agency, the different squads and their specialties and in the latest arc still more range in what can be done with trigger technology. It also has some great songs. Of course, this is based on the anime but I feel that much of this still stands.

    1. 1. Sorry to disappoint you.
      2. Alright, you got me.
      3. There is blood in the manga. I don't think an anime or manga without excessive fan service is just for kids. I like to read manga in public without having to explain myself.
      4. Crunchyroll represents an extreme minority of viewers. The same as my anime list because most people don't care enough to use those services.
      5. All that is true for the manga as well.

    2. Didn't say an anime without excessive fan service is just for kids or that it's for kids at all (in fact I didn't use the word kids). Just that this particular anime is aimed toward a younger audience because of its air time, lack of blood and reinforced explanations when what they're explaining isn't that complicated. If it's aimed toward kids, it's not going to have any fan service etc in it. I'm definitely not a kid, but I watch it every week. Standards for manga are a little different and the manga seems to be more on par with it's actual rating for 13+. When you're on television, especially at the given timeslot, more kids under 13 are going to see the show so it follows the standards for the timeslot.
      I also wouldn't say that Crunchyroll represents an extreme minority of viewers. Most of the people I know use Crunchyroll or Hulu because they're official and they're guaranteed to have it up every week with good translation and in good quality. You and I both know that plenty of people use Kiss Anime and Pinoy etc. to watch, but that doesn't discount the fact that it is still ranked pretty high among people watching in America, even on Kiss Anime and on Hulu.
      I hope you didn't feel like my comment was supposed to be a "gotcha!" comment or anything like that. Since it's online, there is always the chance to make adjustments when things aren't quite correct. So adding supplementary points was an aim to add to the article, not to discredit or take away anything you said in the original post.

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