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Ebola Files: Go Read A Comic Book

Let me continue my trend of bad manga. This isn't even manga, it's just trash. Whoever wrote this needs to be taken out back and handled like Old Yeller. I commend you for capitalizing on the Ebola epidemic that wasn't an epidemic but this is bad. This might be the worst thing I've read, and I read Gantz and Toriko. Those were horrible but now I appreciate them for not being this bad. At least the mangaka tried in that situation.

The story follows a genius scientist who was forced to create the Ebola virus. He then kills the person who made him create it. He's being hunted by people and plans to use the virus to bring world peace. Also the virus infected half of Earth in 2 days. But he's more than just a genius scientist. He also has super speed. But that's not all. I always thought a cool super power would be pulling weapons out of thin air. This genius scientist with super speed can do that too. He's also such a great hand to hand fighter that he's defeated several secret agents. This guy is like Batman with skills besides detective work. He's also got a sidekick that didn't get a name for several chapters.

I'm not joking this is just trash. The story is trash and the other key component, art, is trash too. I'm no artist. I'm pretty nice with some clay and a pottery wheel. That's about it. I'm not the greatest with a pencil. Have you seen Blerdbot Jones? That's me, I drew that, it's hideous. But I could draw better than the art in Ebola Files. The characters are all stiff and the whole things plays like a bad stop motion film. The characters are in one pose, the fight is over. They just strike a pose and that's it. Strike a 5 page pose and that's the fight. They don't have fights they have pose offs.

I'm not joking this is trash. Most of the characters don't even have names. There's no effort. This was strictly to capitalize on the unfounded fear of Ebola. If you enjoy this I'm going to need you to swallow a cup of laundry detergent. Actually I'm going to need you to mail me a cup of laundry detergent because I don't want to live in the same world where this is considered good work. I'll then pour all of that laundry detergent in a bowl. Add a little honey for flavor, then drink it and follow with some Jack Daniels and sleeping pills.

You know what, I don't even like Manga anymore. I'm done with manga. This was so bad it ruined it manga for me. You shouldn't like manga either. Give up on manga. May I suggest you read a comic book? You should pick up a few New52 Year One issues. It'll help you pick out a few favorite heroes. Personally Blackest Night and Brightest Day are two of my favorite stories from DC, as well as Batman R.I.P. and Battle for The Cowl. If you're into Marvel I really suggest you check out Civil War, Superior Spider-Man, Death of Spider-Man and Ultimate Spider-Man (The one with Miles).

If comics aren't your thing I suggest you check out an actual book. I read these Voice City Books in like middle school. Those are pretty good if you're into vampires and demons. Not Twilight, this is straight murder. The Giver is also a nice series of books. You can also go with the classics. One of my favorites is 1984 by George Orwell. It tells the story of people being punished for thought crimes and the government as the supreme being that programs people through brain washing. Check it out.

Read anything but Ebola Files. If I had to give Ebola Files a score I'd give it a -3/10. That means it was so bad it made me stop reading manga for 3 months. Hopefully by the time I pick up more manga I'll have forgotten this abomination.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Replies
    1. Toriko is better than Ebola Files. I'll give it points for that.

  2. If you ever feel like reading manga again read Monster or 20th century boys by Urasawa. He's a superb story teller with multi-layered, interconnecting narratives and of course a master of suspense.

    1. You're like the 5th person to recommend 20th Century Boys so I might check it out

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