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Media Blitz

I titled this media blitz because I was bored. It's not really a media blitz. I'm just letting you know we're on a few new social networks and giving you a few updates on things going on around here. I don't even know what's going on around here. NOBODY TELLS ME ANYTHING!

 Alright, I'm composed. So we're still turning out a few post every week but we've moved on to doing other stuff for those that don't let's go over some of it. We'll start with the new things.

Youtube: Well, we're on Youtube now. Right now Jordan from CP Time is doing a play through of Grand Theft Auto 5. He's kind of funny I guess. You should probably watch it. There's going to be more coming to Youtube in the future but that's it for right now. Head over and show us some love, there'll be more things to come soon. You can check out the YouTube Channel here

Facebook: So Jaz from CP Time was kind enough to make us a facebook page. I don't know what's going on over there. Something about kissing the rings. Facebook is Jaz's domain and I'll let him have that. I'm pretty sure whatever he's doing over there is safe for work so go check it out here

So that's the new stuff, lets talk about the old stuff

Twitter: I tweet some funny things over here. It also tweets a good amount of news from all over the internet. You know, comic books, anime and video games. That kind of stuff. You can tweet us here

Podcasts have been around for a while but I don't think enough of you listen. I know you don't I will make you listen.

CP Time: We are hilarious. If you don't laugh we'll hit Terrence until you do. Don't ask who Terrence is. Just know we'll hit him to make you laugh if it's necessary. Seriously we'll make fun of anything. We made fun of Eliot Rodger. But sometimes we have serious discussions too. You can listen on iTunes and Stitcher Radio

Powerbomb Jutsu: I know we don't write a lot of wrestling stuff but that's because Dom and Taiwan are lazy. Yep, gonna blame them. We talk about pro wrestling on this show and that leads to anime talk sometimes. I don't know how. Don't question it, just exhale slowly and let it enter your body. You can listen to us on iTunes and Stitcher

Kage Summit: I don't know where it's at. Nobody tells me anything. I'm looking for some host. It may or may not be coming back. You can listen to old episodes on iTunes and Stitcher

Music Man Recommendations: Is a really long name for a podcast about music and it's new. We're interested to see where it goes from here.

I have one small request from you all. If you're on reddit please spam our post in the subdomain /r/Blerds. Here's a link. Post all of our stuff there. We could take it for the site if you all help by posting just one post.

I think that's all for now. We've also got a Google+ and Tumblr but does anyone actually use those? I don't thinks so. Go check out the things I listed above. We're going to do more stuff soon. But it won't be possible without readers like you.

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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