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It's Time for Slater to Shine

In the Battle Ground Battle Royal for the IC title no one new what was going to happen or who was going to win. I personally didn't care who won but I was rooting for Heath Slater and Ryback. Fun fact, I care about Ryback more now than I did when he first debuted. So I watched the match and I noticed that Slater was really hanging in there. Usually he would be thrown out of the ring during a commercial break but he remained to the bitter end. He was one of the last seven men in the match. He ended up throwing Cesaro out of the ring. I jumped up and my heart raced as I though that Slater could possibly when. But Sheamus crushed that dream and that is why I hate Sheamus. The Miz won and even thought I love the Miz it kinda didn't sit right with me. But I'll get to that later.

My point is that with Slater eliminating one of the future top stars during his current hype train, makes Slater much more. 3MB is no more, Rest in Peace 3MB, but that doesn't mean its the end of Slater. Slater is now a One Man Band once again and its time for him to get back into the singles run. I can definitely see a minor feud with Cesaro after this and I know it will be on RAW tonight. Either way it is a breaking point in Slaters career. Slater could obviously be a top mid carder but WWE abuses him. The whole 3MB thing was great and it is sad to see it end so soon but great things always come to an end. When one door closes another opens and that door is going to lead Slater to a great singles run. I just hope that WWE doesn't drop the ball on this one. It would be great to see Slater as the IC champion and the one who feuds with Barrett when he comes back. I fell like Slater could make a great impact as long as the creative team doesn't mess it up. That's it for now so lets hope that Slater can be more than comical. Sorry Damien Sandow.

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