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It's Real To Them

We all know wrestling is fake, but to some it is still real to them dammit.  Fans that take it way too far sent death threats to wrestlers on twitter or keep mentioning them. When a wrestler turns heel they act like its really real life smh. I seen some fake fan page (I’m not going to name) tell Paige you a bitch, hoe and etc. 

I seen another fan tweet Dixie carter I hope you die and TNA dies with you. Fans bashing wrestlers like you wasting your career in ROH and TNA come back to the WWE. At the end of the day you look dumb as hell tweeting those threats like they care. That’s like tweeting a famous actor for killing another actor in a movie. People make fake wrestlers pages creep me out but I’m a save that for the next article 

That's the cool thing about Powerbomb Jutsu (available on iTunes and Stitcher) we aren't out to worship wrestlers as if they're gods. We don't even like a lot of them and have personal beef with a few. If you're down to just have some good ol wrestling conversation give us a listen and don't forget to talk to us on twitter. There's always someone to respond.

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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