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Could CM Punk leaving be a good thing for the other Superstars?

Since I don't have a television I just heard about this CM Punk leaving thing today from an earlier post on here. As a CM Punk fan I am a little disappointed but not that much shocked.  I knew was Punk lost the Title to The Rock his time in WWE was going to be very short.  I'm dissapointed because one of my favorite wrestlers is leaving.  But I've been reading the dirt sheets and I am a bit happy.

CM Punk was originally supposed to face HHH at WrestleMania and Bryan was going to face Sheamus but now that Punk is gone I hear Bryan is now going to face HHH and this is great.  Daniel Bryan can now beat the he'll out of the source of his problems. He's going to face the man who robbed him of the Title twice.  Bryan is going to get the closure he and us all have been waiting for. If Bryan goes over HHH then we can finally say that the WWE is paying attention. Sheamus can go do something else for all I care.

But now that Punk is forreal leaving more guys are going to want to take his spot. Even me. Now that Punk is gone Dolph can finally step up. Dolph could finally be main eventing and winning belts. But Ziggler may not be able to fill Punks shoes right off the bat you they'll need to push at least two other stars as well. I'm thinking Zack Ryder, Santino,  and Khali.  Lmfao and jk. I'm really thinking Kofi Kingston,  The Miz,  and Christian. Kofi needs a big push, The Miz is dying,  and Christian hasn't been on TV in ages. And I actually don't know why he hasn't been on TV. Punk leaving is kinda a big thing for other talent.  Now just imagine what would happen when Randy Orton, Batista,  Brock leave. Drew McIntyre will finally be pushed.  And lets face it. Randy isn't going to be here that much longer.  Let's just see if McIntyre will be there by then. This could also be a reality check for  WWE. Maybe they'll change their ways and push actual talent. We won't know until Monday so let's all wait and see.

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