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BvS doesn't deserve the hate

Before I go about defending this DC film, I'll start by saying I am a HUGE Marvel fan --- In fact, I will say Ironman 3 is good after a 3 a.m. re-watch. So, this means a lot. Prior to the premiere of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, dozens of reporters gave the film rave review. Then something happened, and whatever it was, caused a wave of highly-oughted critics bashing this movie to hell. Some would go on to say this is the worst superhero film created like X-Men 3: The Last Stand and Fantastic 4 (2016) don't exist. I saw the movie and I'm here to tell you that yes the movie has flaws (the many different storylines to which the average consumer could get lost, the rushed forcing in of the dream sequence with the flash, and Lex portraying more of a riddler.) but, overall it layered the ground work for later films such as Justice League and the members stand alone movies.

The problem I feel that is secretly drawing the ire of many moviegoers is that the trailers were VERY misleading, in that they showed the movie as BvS: ALL OUT WAR. When in reality it was really, Batman Meets Superman........reason being, DC got a little tight and caved copying the theme of Marvel's highly anticipated film, Captain America: Civil War, where the Avengers’ two biggest stars of the film (Captain America and Iron Man) go toe to toe throughout. And that's where I feel DC dropped the ball, they should've focused more in the trailers on Batman discovering Superman and teasing us on when they first meet. Because when Batman finally meets the Man of Steel himself, it is easily a top 5 moment in comic cinematic universe. Moviegoers also after the reviews went in with the mindset that, this wasn't a Man of Steel sequel at all.With the Batman reboot, people are not understanding that the criticism the movie focuses more on Bruce and the Dark Knight is because we are first meeting him, but what it did was lay the groundwork for later films: Justice League and its members’ stand-alone films.

The Doomsday fight scene was bad-ass and even the naysayers can't hate on Wonder Women's reveal (her theme music was A1). Cyborg, Aquaman, and The Flash all got their own easter egg reveal which could've gone better but remember Rome wasn't built in one day. Easter eggs were all over this film, as if Zack Snyder knew us comic heads would be able to catch every single one: Darkseid gets hinted in the Batman nightmare sequence, where we see his signature symbol engraved in the dirt; the Flash giving Bruce a secret message, or was it simply a dream — I say he was warning him for Darkseid or Superman has gone full heel turn, and is killing the Justice League like the Injustice comic; I’m hoping for the latter but I'm more sure on the former.

All in all, this movie served its purpose. Batman got his proper reboot; we get a perfect Bruce Wayne and I mean it —BatFleck killed his role and made myself, a known Batman hater, give ‘ooohs and ahhhs’ during his fight scenes. We met Wonder Women and she got her own fight scenes and moments of triumph, boosting hype for her solo movie dropping next summer. Superman's story developed more and it seems like Zack Snyder is not budging, going guns blazing with this more dark Superman. I love it personally, never liking the original Superman, whether it was comics or movies almost felt fake and boring. A heel version of himself adds interest and more depth to his character as he struggles between the lines of living among humans as a god.  Finally, we got to meet the other members of the Justice League as I talked about earlier in this piece. Erza Miller is giving me the vibe I got when Ben Affleck said he would assume the role as the Bat himself. I'm totally fine with him and Grant Gustin being two completely different flash's because it is clear that Snyder is going all in on this dark tone, which ironically is DC's tone but lets bash him some more. Aquaman's easter egg was my favorite, seeing the mighty god of the sea send a Lex Luthor spy spiraling in the ocean with just a little push of his Trident was enough to have me grinning ear to ear. Cyborg's was tricking because you wonder if they showed too much since not many people know his origin but then you see the motherbox forge with him and start screaming like a baby.

So, my fellow comic book fan's, go see the film yourself and form your own opinions. Don't read any reviews before going (including this one) and have a free mind to make your own judgements, thats what I did and when I looked at them after loving the movie I knew the math wasn't adding up. This movie is a comic film if there ever was one and that in itself means something, so screw those critics and enjoy the building block to the universe we watched as kids hit the big screen.

Feel free to let me know what you thought of the film in the comments below....and be sure to send feedback to my twitter account


  1. "reason being, DC got a little tight and caved copying the theme of Marvel's highly anticipated film, Captain America: Civil War"

    How did BvS copy the themes of Civil War, when Civil War was a knee jerk reaction (stated by the writers and directors, the Russo Brothers) to Batman v Superman? You do know Cap 3 was originally meant to be Serpent Society, right?

    Also, I recommend reading Superman: Birthright, as the Lex in BvS was the Lex in that (Combination of Young and Old as it progressed.)

  2. sorry for the late reply, Thank you i will read that and I remember seeing that they called it that to bring more hype because they already planned on making Civil War in Marvel phase two.

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