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Black Supervillain: Virus

"Why won't you leave me alone"


Virus was a mentally ill child of a poor couple in Paris Island, Dakota. He can't remember his real name, just Virus, which is what his mother used to call him. His parents weren't ready for a child, let alone a mentally challenged son. When Virus was in kindergarten his father left the family. This was when his mother started to physically and mentally abuse him. Blaming him for ruining her life and relationship. She called him Virus because that's what she viewed him as. On one occasion she told him "You little disease, this is your fault! I wish you'd been measles instead of a baby."

Virus didn't know any better and still loved his mother unconditionally, worshiping the ground she walked on. The abuse continued until he was a teenager when his mother started smoking crack. She eventually sold everything in the home and lost the home so she could afford more crack. When they were homeless they started sleeping in the basement below the Avalon Mall.

As a way to survive Virus joined the Force Syndicate. The Force Syndicate is a gang made up of misfits: nerds, goths, weirdos etc. Initially he just followed them around but they let him join the gang once they learned more about his life. They fed him and provided him with the first friends he ever had. His mother found out and she started demanding he bring her money so she could buy more crack, which she claimed to be her "medicine."

Virus began stealing and committing crimes to get her money. Which led to The Force Syndicate kicking him out of the game, because they didn't commit crimes. They were just a group of misfits who wanted some turf to themselves. Wanting to redeem himself he learned about the Big Bang where the gangs of Dakota would fight for supremacy. The Force Syndicate would not attend because they were a gang by name only. Virus didn't know that and attended the Big Bang anyway. Hoping to fight for their name.

Virus was knocked out by the gas and when he woke up he learned he could multiply himself and it scared him. He and the clones ran to the mall's basement looking for his mother but she had abandoned him. Virus blamed himself for this, and thought she would come back if he was a better son. So he built a shrine to her and began stealing as many valuables as he could from homes, stores and people's pockets.

During a robbery of a jewelry store he was stopped by Static but the clones managed to escape. As Virgil he staked out jewelry stores waiting for Virus to attempt another robbery. When Virus attacked again he sent hundreds of tiny clones to steal one piece of jewelry each. Virgil managed to catch some of the tiny clones in his hat before releasing them and tracking them to Virus' horde of stolen goods in the basement.

Static was on the retreat because he was out numbered by all of the clones and Virus kept leading him deeper into the basement. During the fight Virus accidentally broke the shrine to his mother and surrendered the fight, crying and attempting to piece it back together. Static realized that all villains aren't being bad for the sake of being bad so he just talked to Virus. Static took him to the St. Peter's Mission which was a home for teenagers with special needs.

Later Virus was kidnapped by the Traffic Men, under the orders of John Tower who had made the switch to being a villain instead of a hero. He was draining the blood of bang babies and using it to give his henchmen abilities and increasing his own healing power. Static and some other heroes managed to break up the plot and apprehend John Tower. Virus was returned to St. Peter's where he lives comfortably for once and gets the occasional visit form his best friend and hero Static.

Abilities and Powers
  • Generating clones
    • Can vary sizes
    • Clones have independent thought
    • Can call them back at will
    • Clones can produce clones
    • All clones have the same memories
    • Telepathic link between clones
You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


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