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Black Superhero: Battlestar

Battlestar: Lemar Hoskins 

Lemar Hoskins was your average high school drop out. While in the US Army he became acquainted with three men that he would spend the rest of his life associated with. Those were John Walker, Jerome Johnson and Hector Lennox. Don't let the racist fool you, Jerome is a white guy from 86 but Fox News is still making fun of "black" names. The four of them had an offer to undergo the same super soldier procedure that Captain America did from the criminal Power Broker. They were going to join the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation. However a man named Ethan Thurm convinced them to go on the road with him instead, promising they could make more money. They of course jumped at the opportunity. Walker became the Super-Patriot because he had some kind of hidden gift for pro wrestling. Lennox, Johnson and Hoskins became the Buckies. They were a group of patriotic heels, or bad guys. Think Kurt Angle "You Suck" and "USA" chants. If they were real we'd definitely talk about them on Powerbomb Jutsu every week. Captain America of course got involved because he didn't like the idea of Super Soldier pro wrestlers. This lead to the group facing off with them. Admittedly Captain America was a superior Super Soldier and would have won easily against anyone of them solo, but it was a 4 vs 1 handicap match and they got away. They decided to retire from pro wrestling afterwards.

Captain America was replaced because the Commission of Superhuman Activities thought he was getting out of hand. I've been saying this. Lemar's friend John Walker was chosen as his replacement and became the new Captain America. He suggested Lemar be brought along as his side kick. The CSA offered Lemar the role of Bucky. However Lemar was doing research and learned that Buck was actually a racist term for black people. In minstrel shows a Buck was a genetically gifted, large strong nigger who wasn't considered intelligent or in some cases developmentally challenged. He also caused additional issues because he didn't like the idea of being unarmed. The FBI also forced a grown man to attend high school classes because they felt he wasn't smart enough. He got his diploma and they had no choice but to approve him. They wanted to give him more reasons why but John wouldn't go out without Lemar. Lemar took up the name of Battlestar.

Jerome and Hector were upset that they weren't offered roles with Lemar and John. In reality they were high school graduates but really weren't smart enough to pass the FBI requirements. Jerome and Hector became the criminal duo of Leftwinger and Rightwinger, The two showed up at a press conference and revealed John and Lemar's identities. This lead to John's parents being killed by criminals seeking revenge before Jerome and Hector were caught. Luckily Lemar got his parents to safety first.

On one mission Lemar and John took on the Resistance and Serpent Society. Flag Smasher managed to catch John. Lemar managed to escape. He wanted the CSA to help retrieve John, but they wrote him off as a lost cause. Instead Lemar went and got the The Avengers (Steve Rogers included as The Captain). They were able to retrieve John and bring the wrong doers to justice. This also caused Steve Rogers to become Captain America once again. Because they considered John a failure they gave the name of Captain America back to Rogers. At a press conference to symbolically pass back the shield John was shot in the chest several times by a sniper.

Lemar didn't believe it so he quit the CSA, moved to Chicago and along with his brother Leon started a Heroes for Hire rip off because they only had one hero. On the side he continued to investigate John's death. He teamed up with Falcon to take on the Serpent Society again. Lamar guessed that John had become the new hero US Agent. (They were not creative with names). He asked US Agent if he was John and of course US Agent attacked him because he had been brainwashed and didn't remember anything. The West Coast Avengers broke up the fight and told Lemar go home to Chicago.

Power Broker had made himself too strong and built a depowering machine. However he needed test subjects so he sent the Power Tools to capture Lemar. Lemar was strapped into the machine and depowered along with other people who had underwent Power Broker's procedure. Lemar was depowered and left in emaciated. US Agent showed up with his memory again and helped free the others who were depowered but he of course helped Lamar get his powers back first, because that's what friends do. Lemar and John made peace, but went their separate ways.

The mercenary Silver Sable was hired to protect Rev. Donald Smithfield from the Watchdogs and an assassin named Gattling. Battlestar offered to join her team since he had experience facing The Watchdogs. She accepted him to the team and on their first encounter with Gattling, Lemar tackled him in mid air. She then hired him to join her team of mercenaries The Wild pack.

All was not sweet in the land of milk and honey. Douglas Powell was one of Lemar's teammates. Douglas could not stop talking about how much he hated black people. Lemar is a good guy for not punching Douglas in the mouth. Instead Lemar started dating Douglas' sister Samantha. Eventually he proved himself a cut above the rest and became second in command, leading the team when Silver Sable was on solo missions. He managed to become friends with Man-Eater, a victim of the Genesis Coalition's experiments. When Man-Eater went crazy due to the experiments Lamar was the only one helped him instead of shooting first. Eventually he grew bored and left the team.

Lemar's secret identity had been known publicly for a long time already when the Superhuman Registration Act came about. He still refused to sign up because once again, he felt people deserved their privacy. Instead he created a team of Underground and Covert hit and run team with Typeface an Solo. At intended meeting with Captain America the team was ambushed by SHIELD. A piece of glass was stuck in Lemar's spine and they didn't bother to operate, but they sent him to the Negative Zone still.

It took Norman Osborn's dark reign to get Lemar out of prison. He finally got that glass out of his spine and joined the Guardsman Alpha Squad. When the team was approached by Zombie versions of Squadron Supreme and was one of the people who manged to survive. Then it got ridiculous. Howard the Duck recruited Battlestar to join the Ducky Dozen. They go to Earth-12591 to fight Nazi-Zombies. Battle star and Taxi Taylor come back carrying the Zombie Captain America. What?

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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