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Review: The Trasnformation EP - Mr. Astronaut

Today we get a short 10 track EP from Mr. Astronaut titled The Transformation. While Mr Astronaut has been around for a while he recently decided to place an emphasis on expanding outside of his core. At first listen The Transformation EP may not seem like much but there's actually a lot more to it once you listen again.
Mr. Astronaut hails Connecticut, I honestly can't think of any artist from Connecticut so I wasn't actually sure what to expect. Looking at the cover I expected another album full of anime references that would go over most people heads. While there were a few, majority of the album strayed away from them. I didn't come into the album with high expectations but I was surprised after giving it a few listens.

I didn't actually see an overall theme to the EP but I don't necessarily go in looking for one. One thing I thought was cool was the fact the EP is separated by game system. Yes, Playstation, Gameboy and Gamecube all have individual sections on the EP. While it doesn't add much it was just something that I found unique. Something else I enjoyed about the EP was lack of features. In a time when it's a good move to clique up and make music together Mr. Astronaut goes solo. This allows the listeners to gain a feel for his music as well as prevent someone else from having the best verse on his EP.

he thing I found most off about the album was the flow. Something about it didn't sit well with me initially. However, it wasn't something that stopped me from listening. For some reason I just thing Earl Sweatshirt when I hear it. Nothing against anyone who uses a flow similar to this, it's just becoming over used. Similar to other flows in the past. Lyrically, not the greatest but better than most artist. The fact that he didn't fall into the trap of using an anime punchline every 3 bars also helped a lot.

My favorite track on the album is defiantly the "Death is Coming Closer" simply because it's an emotional track which is something a lot of people stray from these days. "Cancel" is another one of my favorite tracks and likely his best lyrical outing on the EP. The track "Sad Samurai" also has a special spot on my hard drive and in my heart. I have the exact same instrumental saved because it was almost the intro for The Kage Summit Podcast. With the exception of one I didn't dislike any. The track I disliked was "Sweet Asshole." The track goes back and forth from a love song to a grimy sex song. It's like that Beyonce and Jay Z song "Drunk in Love." You're not sure if it's about really liking sex or loving the person.

The Score
  • Lyricism-6
  • Flow-5
  • Production-8
  • Theme-6
  • Replayability-6
  • Individuality-8
 Overall the score is a 6.5 meaning it's above average for this site, meaning you should definitely give it a listen, even if it's only once. You're going to find a few tracks that you're going to hear multiple times.

You can find Mr. Astronaut on Twitter

Also check out his YouTube, Instagram and SoundCloud

You can find me on Twitter

As well as the CP Time Podcast


Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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