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CP Time #09 - CPowerbomb

In this special episode we have the two members of the wrestling podcast Powerbomb Jutsu not named Darrell as guest. Taiwan and Dom join us to talk about everything from piledriving body pillows to end bitch dependency to strip club stories. It's a wild episode. You paid for the whole seat but you're only going to need the edge. Actually you didn't pay for this. Note: iTunes isn't displaying our recent episodes but if you're subscribed they automatically download. We've got not idea what's going on, so use stitcher, it's way cooler anyway. Also vote in the poll and leave a comment.

Twitter: @OriginalKingD @MrJTrip @Jazputin @CPTimePodcast @BroskiTaiwan @Dom_Moon @PowerbombJutsu


Should CP Time have more guest? free polls 

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Replies
    1. I let Google plus slide because Google does a lot of other cool stuff

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