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Aquaman is The Man

Aquaman is the most underrated hero of all time. Not only that he's the most ridiculed of all time. For what reason? Because he can communicate with aquatic life? Sure that's not the most exciting power but he does have other powers that nobody ever wants to accept that. They just want to see him as poor little Arthur, but he could probably take down Superman. I'm not crazy, lets look at some facts.

Aquaman has strength that rivals Superman. How you ask? He lives further below the surface than us surface dwellers have ever been able to go. Living under that pressure all these years has built his muscles to a level that we can never dream of accomplishing. But that's not it. He's also more durable than Superman. Why is that? Besides the muscle strength, his durability comes from magic. Superman is vulnarable to magic and kryptonite. Aquaman doesn't have either of those weaknesses. You can truly say he has no weaknesses. He's almost invincible and doesn't have any kryptonite.

But that's not all. Aquaman is a king. He's been trained in several forms of martial arts not known on the surface, he also has a royal army behind him. How could you stand against that? Unlike other heroes Aquaman doesn't care. He doesn't have time for your crap and unlike Batman or Superman he will kill you. Aquaman kills, he's a busy man and if you waste his time he'll just kill you and be done with it.

Then there's the infamous power to communicate with aquatic life. Sure he talks to fish but he does other awesome stuff with it. King Arthur has also used a wall of whales to create tsunamis as well as give people seizures. Don't believe me? Just look, told you he's a killer. But there's another part to these powers. Aquman's story is a lot darker than most heroes.

Arthur's father often locked him in tanks of water containing dangerous sea creatures. Arthur had to communicate with them or die. That's bad parenting. But that's not the only dark part of Arthur's story. Black Manta killed his son. Don't you know the moment Arthur catches him he's going to kill him. Aquman's story is full of murder and mayhem.

Aquman's life is so wild he doesn't even bother with a secret identity. Everyone knows who he is and he has no problem killing you if you attack him. Doesn't matter if you're human, murman, or demon. Yes, Aquaman kills demons. Aquaman is the boss, respect him. Get down or get get drowned.

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. lol. the way you describe aquaman, god... before he was just pathetic. now, best case scenario he's a douchebag who just goes around doing whatever he feels like, worst case he's on the edge of a psychopathic killing spree and should be dubbed a villain. regardless, he doesn't make anywhere near a good or compelling hero.

    1. That's what makes him great. He's a little bit crazy. We're all a little crazy. It also wouldn't be his first killing spree. But he's not a villain. He's a good guy who doesn't care about morals lol

  2. This article just did more damage to Aquaman's already terrible reputation. Some advice for attempting to make someone awful look better; Do not write about their needless, immoral and overall unjustified killing sprees of innocent, and sometimes guilty people.

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