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Anime Haters

Okay, I just want to talk a for a second about anime haters. We get it, you don't like anime. You don't want anything to do with it. But does that mean that you have to keep bashing on us otaku? Like what power do you get out of that? What sense does it make? And I usually just bursh aside the haters and forget they ever happened. But this time, I have something to say. Like you guys really really piss me off. Here's why.

First off, it's anime. It's not some stupid little cartoon that's for 5 year olds. Yes, you could debate that they are Japanese cartoons, but that's now the point. Point here is that anime is not all for little kids. But you people don't know because you see it on regualr TV. Here's the thing- kids networks have standards. Those standards involve editing to a format where it appeals to little kids and does not traumatize them for a long time, or maybe even life. I may have exaggerated that, but I'm going with it. Pokemon granted is not edited. But shows like Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragonball Z Kai, they are edited. Even when Toonami was back on Cartoon Network, it was edited. Zatch Bell, One Piece, all Gundam series, edited. Buy the DVD of these shows, and you guys will think otherwise. Are they for kids now?

Second, you people don't even give it a chance. Ever heard of the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover?" To you haters, apparently not. Anime is art. It's passion hand drawn, and animated. Not all anime are like that. But most are. Watch FMA: Brotherhood, and you'll see what I mean. It can touch your heart and make you think about life for what it is. Sometimes it'll make you re-evaluate your lives and show that not everything has to be about negative in life. But half of you don't even care to sit down and watch, because all you want to do is go get drunk and wasted, and pretend that life is a giant party. News flash, your wrong. Look at the bigger picture. Watch some anime.

Lastly, don't pretend like you know more about anime than an anime fan. By you watching mainstream anime like Dragonball Z and Naruto, that does not give you any right to judge us and pretend like you know more about it than me. Have you seen Soul Eater? Have you seen Sword Art Online? Probably not. So until you watch anime that are popualr to anime fans and not a mainstream audience, don't think you know more than me. We want anime to be mainstram is some fashion, but ignorance to among a mainstream audience is going to solve our situation. We'll just be at a stand still until all this ignorance is brushed aside and taken serious (well, the serious anime at least).

Now that I've talked about all of this, go back and think about what you say about anime the next time you decide to criticize it. Anime is more than big boobs and violence. There's a side to it that sometimes only you know what the meaning is, and can't describe it in words. When you find it, you'll see that everything you said, is probably childish and pure ignorance out of little knowledge for a genre that is gaining popularity slowly.

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