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Tenjo Tenge Omnibus Volume 2 Review: Damn We're Just High Schoolers!!

Chapters 13-26

Chapters 13-19 Review
The star of this volume continues the massive fight the previous volume left off at. Maya defeats Isuzu who we know is really fat but used techniques to hide her appearance making her slender goddess. Maya walks away with several cuts and a broken shoulder. Soichiro is fighting Sagara where the artwork is superb here. The full pages of the characters building up Ki and striking were so beautiful. The fight didn't last long as Soichiro eventually found a way to use the Forged Needle attack to defeat Sagara.

The best part of the first part of the volume has to be Aya vs Tagami. The fight itself was quick but the aftermath was hilariously brutal. Aya kept beating this man until she eventually came to her senses. The Dragon Eyes are ruthless cause she broke so many of that mans bones and left him unconscious. She cried because of all the damage she did. She also called him weak so imagine how strong Aya actually is. This was only her first fight. Elsewhere just as they were about to leave, Bob, Chiaki, and Takayanagi waltz in.

We've got ourselves a good ole fashion tag team match. Bob did well. He gained the respect of Mitsuomi, our villain of the series. If the main villain wants to train you to make you a weapon, I would say yes but Bob is loyal to his crew and I respect that. He even made Mitsuomi shed just a tiny bit of blood. Takayangi is having his hands full with Kagurazaka whose fast. He instantly got to throwing kicks at Takayangi as soon as Mitsuoomi said "get em". At the end he barely walked away unscathed.

We are introduced to Bunshichi who is an adviser to the Student Council. He and Maya go way back but he looks way too old to be a student. He's a grown man so why is he still hanging around school children. I get most Manga and Anime take place in school setting but wow, he's too old looking for this series.

Chapters 20-26 Review

So in the second part of the volume we find out that Kagurazaka was actually punched by Mitsuomi for losing to Takayangi. Mitsuomi actually saved him because he knew Takayanagi was going to murder him. After 3 minutes Mitsuomi easily disposes of Soichiro, Maya and Aya before Bunshichi interferes. So the prophecy is being rewritten. Soichiro isn't normal at all as he has an unbelievable amount of Ki stored within his body. Mitsuomi says that's he has a dragon inside of him just like Shin did. After the fight everyone heads to their respective corners to recuperate.

Now the second have of this volume isn't as action packed but it does tell a ton of story. For a quick recap, Maya has been expelled from the school yet she has one month left to stay on board and train the club for the preliminaries of what seems to be a school wide tournament approaching. Takayanagi beat his meat to Aya and leaves the stains for his father to wash. Also he and his father are not apart of the main branch of the family. Soichiro loves Maya which Aya over hears and we get a glimpse of backstory of 32 years ago when Shin was still alive and in control of the group Katana.

The second half of the volume is great. We get personal with the characters after their defeat and may have even shared a couple tears along with the cast. Hearing Chaiki talk about how she was raped and the boys were beaten because of Maya was gut wrenching. Hearing Nagi say that he loves Maya as Aya overheard it was sad. She cried so much that she made it rain and even had Nagi's mother's eye bleed. Aya truly is a prodigy. She's strong, has powers and the Dragon Eyes. She's definitely stronger than what I thought she would be. Bunshichi telling Chiaki, Bob, and Nagi about what happened two years ago is going to be great. I remember the story being told int eh anime and the way it was told was great with the soundtrack.

This was a solid volume overall. Better than the last volume which was a strong debut from the series. I love reading this series with its swag and cool fights. The characters are dope and if you have the physical volumes like I do, the color pages are amazing, especially the ones that use the colors pink and yellow. Viz media blessed us with these perfectly bound yet beefy books to enjoy. Reading and reviewing a longer series like this takes it tool but its great in the long run. I do have a question. Are you still trying to date Isuzu after knowing her true form? I'm down for the cause.

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