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Milestone Series You May Not Have Heard About

Milestone has released a lot of work and most of it gets discussed. But, sometimes things fly under the radar and I'm guilty of skipping a few things myself. I thought it would be a great idea to take a look at some of the lesser loved series from Milestone.


Kobalt is like Wolverine, if he was Batman. He's a vigilante so brutal that many fear he's a demon or cannibal. In reality, he's just an ordinary guy, as ordinary as a masked vigilante can be. As a favor to an old friend he allows a nerdy teenager to be pawned off on him, giving him the name of Page. Page wants nothing more than to be a hero. He's more Peter Parker than Dick Grayson, but again, he has no powers. This leads to him constantly being put into danger by overestimating his abilities. In the end Page has both arms broken and retires from heroics.


The Avengers were created because there were some characters who weren't selling. Heroes is similar, except Static was meant to carry them all. The series started right before Milestone closed their doors so nobody really knows what would have come from them. They're meant to be a standard hero team but they had some interesting choices. Static was essentially leading a full team of adults. There was lesbian couple named Donner and Blitzen. They're based in New York City instead of Dakota. If only brief, it's an interesting read. 

Shadow Cabinet

People remember Shadow War fondly. They don't necessarily care for the Shadow Cabinet series that spun out of it. See, google would have you believe this was a team full of heroes like Icon, Rocket and Hardware. In reality, they were only there teaming up with the Shadow Cabinet briefly. Instead it featured members like Iron Butterfly, Bad Betty, Ramjet and Mechanic. If you're into conspiracy theories, secret societies and ancient organizations then you'll love the Shadow Cabinet. If not, you'll probably still enjoy them if you don't roll in thinking you'll get The Justice League or Avengers.

You should buy Darrell's Book, watch him on the Blerds Online YouTube Channel or The CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. 
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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