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I Love My Hero Academia But its Mediocre

There is no one on this planet that doesn't like something that isn't structurally the greatest. What ever it may be, it could have a multitude of flaws but we still enjoy, and in some cases love it, despite its shortcomings. My Hero Academia, or for manga fans, Boku no Hero Academia, is a good series but that's it. The series is only good but anime fans have hyped it to the moon, trying to replace Naruto with it. The Naruto discussion is another article but some people genuinely think its the predecessor for the series.

I love MHA. I've been reading it since serialization started but it wasn't until Shigaraki attacked the students during their training with Thirteen. In the manga it happens around chapter 13 but in the anime it occurs in episode 9. The first season I only 12 episodes. I watched the first season when it finished because people were talking about how great it was, but it wasn't. The first 8 episodes are almost filler. Not to say one can't enjoy it but it wasn't worth the hype. The most interesting event in the series didn't happen until the last 5 episodes of the anime. In the manga the arc lasted 9 chapters from chapters 12-21. Once again, so far the best thing going for it was the Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc which lasted only a month in a real time serialization. Besides the first chapter and the oneshot, everything before it was boring. It was not interesting enough to warrant all this hype. Was it cool to see? Yes, the entrance exam was cool to see all of the characters do their thing but it wasn't the best thing ever.

I love the route that MHA takes. It may be the best cross between Eastern and Western comic troupes and design. When reading it feels like a Japanese Manga but it has been designed similar to a Western Comic. It has the best of both worlds so as a reader, it's easy to be enticed by it. This was the only reason I kept reading the series. The premise is interesting with most of the world owing Quirks (powers) while only a select few don't. In this day and age it's rare to see someone who doesn't have a Quirk. Then there's the Hero Association designed to craft heroes to defeat villains. There's also lore to the story. Not everyone that has a Quirk becomes a hero and not every hero has a Quirk that makes them powerful. Some people are destined to be sidekicks. That's Western comic troupes kicking in. Also there are people like Hatsume who have a simple quirk but are able to assist heroes by providing gear and creating tech for them. There are several layers to the series and that's what makes it interesting and keeps you reading.

The villains in here cool designs. I like them but they're not that great. Shigaraki's cool design and insane personality draws you to him but after that he's nothing. He's yet to do anything that makes you afraid or scared of him outside of his initial three attacks. After he fails time and time again he takes a backseat for the Underground Yakuza and Villain Kai Chisaki known as Overhaul. Overhaul is cool, he's the bad boy with a cool design but he never did anything as a villain that stood out. He's not even a cookie cutter level villain. We, as readers, were given the Myth of Overhaul and know the backstory of Chisaki but we never met Overhaul. We know who Chisaki is but we only have a myth of what he is as Overhaul. We know he's feared, we know what he can do and we know he's done terrible things but none of it made you hate him. When we see him fighting Mirio and Midoriya, he never once comes off as a big bad villain, just someone in the way of the mission. The villains are mediocre. They have no substance once you step away from the screen or put down the book.

The characters have to be the highlight of the series. I love all of the Class A characters and my favorite is Midoriya. Mirio and his crew are great and so are some of the heroes and supporting characters like Hatsume and Inasa Yoarashi. I have a smile on my face whenever the characters are interacting with each other during down time and I love seeing them make small achievements. Midoriya is my favorite but I can't help but notice how almost most of the characters in this series are more interesting than he is. Mirio should truly be the star of this series. He's more charismatic and enjoyable to watch than Midoriya. Most of the characters are though. I want to see how far Todoroki is going with his powers and his relationship with his dad. Most of the students have a better or more interesting set up than Midoriya. He's become stale and generic while everyone else has gotten better. When the main character becomes stale, when the main character isn't Top 5 in his own series, something is wrong.

While the abilities are cool and well thought out, none of the fights have been that amazing. The only fight I can say was truly amazing was All Might vs All For One. All of the other fights have cool moments but none of them hold up once its over. This series is showing us all these cool things its got going for it but that's it. With MHA, once you've seen it that's it. The series can be much more than what it is but it falls short on several occasions. The series is very fair value yet fans are hyping it up beyond it's resume. I understand why people enjoy the series. I love it but its very straightforward. It's a good read, a decent watch yet nothing about screams amazing.


Garser Dismuke is a writer for as well as

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  1. All for one and One For all was the best fight? Nani? it was crap, the best fight until now was in fact All might vs Noumu, but both fight was just Punching really hard and thats it. if you read the manga is even worse, nothing happens other than Endevor vs a Super Noumu

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