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Goku: Not The Hero You Think He Is

I know people like to look at Goku as hero. He's saved the Earth and other planets numerous times. When we get down to just Goku the man, we realize he's not a very good person. You really wouldn't want to hang out with Goku in real life. It's not just because he'd eat a lot and skip out on the bill, he's got an entire history of him being bad or at least not a very good person.

Let's get this out of the way first, Goku doesn't really care about his friends. I know what you're saying, but he always gives them senzu beans and wishes them back with the dragon balls. Yeah but should he really be dragging Yamcha and Krillen out to fight against androids, aliens and demons like Buu? You see Tien left Chiaotzu at home. Goku doesn't really care if his friends get hurt, he'll just deal with it later. He doesn't even care for his wife. He only married her because he thought marriage was a food.

Let's talk about Goku's home life. He's died multiple times. He left Chi-Chi and Piccolo to raise Gohan. Then he died again and left Gohan and Chi-Chi to raise Goten. Then when he came around to visit because he heard he'd get to fight Buu, he didn't even recognize Goten meaning he hadn't been looking down on the family at all. Essentially he hit the Maury Show "That baby don't look like me," when Goten looks exactly like him. Say what you want about Vegeta being hard on Trunks and cold towards Bulma, at least he's there and he cares for them even if he doesn't like to show it.

Goku is a glutton who refused to work for the longest time. He refused to get a job. Vegeta didn't need to work to support his family, they're the richest people in the world. Krillin went out and got a job as a police officer. Yamcha went and played pro-baseball. Tien even started a successful farm. Hell, even Android 17 went off and became a park ranger. Do you know what Goku does when bills come around? He vanishes into thin air. Bill collectors hate him. Ox-King is out there paying for all their needs and he's stated "I can only afford to feed one Saiyan mouth." Were Gohan and Goten forced into a rotation on who was allowed to eat and when? Ox-King is rich and they broke his bank account.

People often complain about Vegeta's pride. He always talks about his Saiyan pride and people label him as arrogant. Trust me when I say he's nowhere near as bad as Goku. Goku's arrogance has gotten people killed and Vegeta knows when to swallow his pride. Yeah, Vegeta let Cell power up so he can have more of a challenge. Did Goku not give Cell a senzu bean and tell Gohan "You got this son," when Gohan clearly did not have it. On planet Namek, Vegeta knew he was done, he told Goku to handle Frieza. Goku taunted him and got the planet blown up. Goku taunted Boo, Goku taunted Beerus. Goku taunted Frieza in Return of F and got beaten badly because of it. Then Vegeta finally gets his revenge and thanks to some time travel Goku hops in and steals the spotlight from Vegeta. Goku knows the only person in the World Martial Arts tournament that stands a chance against him is Vegeta, yet he's there every year for no good reason. Vegeta only goes because Goku asks him. He sees it as below them, and it is.

Sure Goku has saved Earth a few times, but he's also been the reason for the destruction of Planet Namek and King Kai's world. So I think it balances out in the end because he couldn't just wish those back. Remember when everyone thought Goku died on Planet Namek but he really just went on vacation? He can't wish back all that time Gohan thought his dad was dead. Also, he gave Vegeta a chance to grow and become a better person. Not Radditz, his own brother, he's just dead.

Goku is not a good person. That's just another reason Superman is better than Goku. Goku will let entire planets be destroyed if it means he gets a better fight. He's just a glory hog, irresponsible, man child. He doesn't care about his family, he doesn't really care about saving people. Goku cares about two things. Food and fights. He might as well be Toriko.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs or Skyrim
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Goku isn't shit, I hate to admit it. Vegeta has really grown on me though. His character progression is pretty dope. -Taiwan

    1. Vegeta is like top 3 DBZ characters. Nothing wrong with liking him. He's the only one who's really changed a lot over time

    2. He changed because of Goku. Nothing to praise about.

    3. Vegeta is shit. People always ignored Vegeta' faults and it was written vegeta fans are worst. Don't act like vegeta is a saint . Whoever made this article is stupid as well.

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