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Flame of Recca Volume 1 Review: Pop Rocks

Chapters 1-9

The first chapter starts off with Recca going against his friend and ally Domon. Domon is a big mean and ugly looking dude who looks like he can snap Recca in half. But Domon loses because Recca uses ninja tricks to trap him in one of those old Team Rocket traps that traps you underground. Next Recca goes home and we see his father and learn that he wants to become a ninja. He even goes into his room and picks up a basic ninja sword. Next we meet Yanagi a.k.a. Princess is what Recca calls her. She;s seen walking home when 3 guys start to harass her. In comes Recca but he easily gets his ass kicked. After this Yanagi pulls onto a bench and surprisingly his wounds are healed. When Recca wakes up and notices this Yanahi tells him that she has the ability to heal things. After hearing this Recca has sworn his life to take care of her and calls her Princess. Recca also decides to show her his secret ability. He takes her to an abandoned building and shows her his fireworks (if you know what I mean) and his ability to manipulate fire. Then and there they decide to make a pact to never tell each other's secret and to always be friends. Then and there Kagehoushi appears from the darkness and attacks Yanagi. I know what you're thinking "Yanagi should just heal herself", it doesn't work like that. She can only heal other organisms. Recca gets mad an attack Kagehoushi and gets his ass kicked in the process.  Recca is only able to save Yanagi after he shows Kagehoushi his powers. Once she sees this she fades back into the shadows. After this Yanagi gets patched up and Recca takes her home while carrying her on his back. It was a nice and sweet moment. This covers the First two chapters.

Chapters 3-4. The next day as both of them are in school Domon picks another fight with Recca in the middle of class. Of course Domon loses but the real reason he's there is to deliver a message from Fuko saying "You're dead". Domon leaves and so does Yanagi and Recca. As they're walking some random guy runs into them and gives a needle like weapon to Recca. It says beware ans as he's reading this he hears a loud scream. He runs and turns a corner to find Domon laid up against a wall with his face bleeding. Also on his face it says "Bad dog by Fuko". Then Recca sets off to find Fuko. He comes to the roof of the school and finds her. Then they  both start to fight. At one point Fuko gets next to Yanagi and slaps her. As she does this she says that Recca should have been hers. Then we learn that Fuko and Recca are childhood friends. They continue to fight but Recca wins by trapping Fuko with a net. After this we see Fuko behind the school throwing needles at a tree when Kagehoushi appears in front of her and says she can help her beat Recca. Shit finna get real.

Chapters 5-9 are the entire fight between Fuko and Recca part two. Kagehoushi gives Fuko the Fujin which is also called the Wind God. It is a bracelet like weapon that gives the user control over wind. After seeing what it does Fuko blindly says yes to using it. Some time passes and Recca gets a phone call from Fuko  on a dark and mysterious night. She challenges him to a duel on grounds the same night. Recca blindly agrees. Recca gets there and starts to fight Fuko but something is wrong. Fuko isn't herself. She's acting sexual and wants to kill Recca. She even calls it pure ecstasy. It turns out that the Fujin is controlling her.  Next We see Yanagi on her way to the school. This part is a little funny because she says that she's never been out this late and it feels like she's doing something naughty. It turns out that its only 9:14 PM. On her way to the school she is taken out by Kagehoushi but some one comes to her aid. In the middle of their fight Fuko sends a powerful attack at Recca but out of nowhere Domon Blocks it with a a random sign the size of his body. During this Domon confesses his love for Fuko and says that all he wants is the normal her back. To finish this up. After great team work from Recca and Domon they are able to defeat Fuko and the Fujin. This was an good fight for the beginning of a series. It stayed entertaining and it was good. Next everyone turns their attention to Kagehoushi. Domon is so mad that he says she's dead. Then Kagehoushi laughs and says that you can't kill me. She then slices her own throat but is still talking. It turns out that Kagehoushi is immortal and the only one who can kill her is her only family Recca. What does all of this mean? Is she related to Recca or is she just tricking him again. 

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