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Black Superhero: Fred

James Rhodes is a well known hero. However his alternate universe counterpart Fred is rarely mentioned. In this Alternate universe things begin very much the same as the regular universe. James is an airforce veteran who is good friends with Tony Stark and eventually takes on the War Machine identity.

The big difference here is that Tony Stark is even more arrogant and overly confident in this universe. Tone began work on a new project that he thought would greatly change humanity for the better. He enlisted James to help him because thete was no person he trusted more. The goal was to create nanobots that would be injected into a human, they would then help each person reach their peak intellect, cure them of disease and provide many other improvements to their life quality.

While that was the goal, what they created ended up being were nanobots that imbued the selected person with super powers beyond anything else in that universe. There was however a side effect. The nanobots would eat away at the brain of the person until there was nothing left. Tony knew the risk and attempted to test it on himself but James viewed Tony's mind as too important to lose. James decided to test them on himself and was gifted multiple powers.

Slowly James began to lose knowledge gathered over the years along with his personality. He eventually put on a costume and joined the New Avengers of this world. Yet, by that time he had even forgotten his own name. Spider-Girl, the daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson in this universe chose to call him Fred and he accepted it as his new name.

Slowly he became more robot than human. This led to Tony Stark controlling him as a robot. However in a fight with Venom he was electrocuted causing parts of his memory and personality to return to him. Disgusted with what he had become and how he had been used he defeated the Avengers including Juggernaut and Tony in his Iron man suit. He was only stopped after being electrocuted again.

This time Tony took James with him back to Stark Labs. Not as a weapon but as a friend. It's not known what happened to him after that, but he wasn't heard from again and Tony didn't talk about it.

Powers and Abilities
  • Energy Blast
  • Super Strength
  • Energy Absorption
  • Flight
  • Super Speed 
You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs or Skyrim
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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