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Arrested Development: This Show Isn't Funny

Time and time again when asking what the funniest TV shows are, people constantly bring up Arrested Development. The show receives a ton of praise so one day I sat down and watched a few episodes. I wanted to laugh like everyone else watching the show, but I didn't. The show just is not funny. The only thing interesting about the show is noting how so many of the actors went on to better things, like actually being funny. I don't care who tells me or how they try to explain it, the show is just not funny.

I've seen the show explained that it's clever humor and you have to think about it to get it, but it's not. When you keep hearing "there's always money in the banana stand," early on it's not funny. We already realized there's literally money in the stand the first time because of the obvious hints and winks. When they burn it down it's just like "oh well." Was that supposed to be clever because everyone pieced it together long before the punchline.

The show is sometimes described as referential humor. A show that is funny because it references itself. In fact, it's been stated the show isn't funny if you don't get the references. Why should I have to watch four soul sucking, joyless seasons only then to come back to season one and laugh. That's not how this is supposed to work. That idea is that it's mandatory you see everything to get the jokes. Usually if you go back to an older season it's because you really enjoyed it. Not so you can finally understand the jokes. I didn't watch four seasons of The Walking Dead and go back to season one like "Oh, that's why Rick likes Morgan."

If I could describe the humor of this show, I would describe it as cringe humor. It's supposed to make you cringe and laugh but it doesn't. Oh look, the cousins are in love. That's weird but it doesn't make me cringe in a time where Kevin Gates is sleeping with his cousin and proudly claims that nobody is going to stop them.

People love the characters but they aren't great. The characters aren't exceptional well rounded either. Most of them are just really mean and greedy people. I don't exactly find that funny. Even if it is mean people being mean to other people. The show expects you to feel for these people when there's a sad moment in their lives but the only one with an ounce of likability is George Michael. There is literally no reason to feel bad for any of these people. GOB is a struggling magician who help created a code of ethics that would force other magicians out, then got bit in the ass. Oscar and Lucille are just embezzling scumbags more concerned about their lifestyle than anything else. Lindsay and Tobias are just horrible to each other and I'm not sure why they're even together. Maeby is a thief and generally a bad person. I don't like any of these people.

I'm a firm believer of "everything isn't for you." Sometimes things are just not going to be entertaining to you. That's okay, you should just move on. That's what I'm willing to do with this show. But I do have one question. Who is this show actually for? Who is the target demographic of this show? I can't seem to figure it out. Yet all I hear are the praises sang from the heavens about it.I don't like Arrested Development, I don't think it's funny, I don't think the writing is great and I don't think it tells a great story. To me it seems like a show that should have never been able to run so long and that's okay.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. A like button on these articles would be much appreciated because i love this, thank you

  2. I got 4 seasons forced my way through 2 of them and just had to jump ship. If i were to rate it i'd give it a solid 4/10 yet for some reason its on almost every popular best tv shows of all time least

  3. A lot are claiming its jokes are intellectual humor. I find it the opposite and sadly a bit stretched out. I cannot even smile at that repeated "there's always money in the banana stand", I just think, wow, how badly written is that?

    1. Is that supposed to be funny because they keep repeating it? Like, they force a running joke and people accept that? That's really awful.

  4. Holy shit, thank you! Took the words right outta my mouth. I even gave it a couple of years and tried watching it again. Still not funny.

  5. " But I do have one question. Who is this show actually for? Who is the target demographic of this show? I can't seem to figure it out." I feel the exact same way. It does tend to be people are a little smarter than average, but not as smart as they think they are. They're also not as funny as they think they are.

    1. Smug hipsters, know-it-alls. General cretins. Maybe not all Arrested Development fans are like that. Plenty, maybe even most, of them are just plain dorks.

  6. I agree for the most part, it's entertaining but it isn't clever like Seinfeld(one of the best) an other shows an every episode isn't funny an the writing isn't spectacular. I think the target audience was the same audience as the Simpsons. The episodes are short though.

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