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5 Reasons Wrestling is Great

Pro wrestling can sometimes seem like the stain on the underpants of sports. The sport that shouldn't really be considered a sport, but is. It should really be a joke if we look at it seriously but it's not. The reason for that is because it holds interest. It doesn't matter if it's through violence, sex, drama or some mixture of all three. Here's five of the reasons wrestling is so great.

1. Performane Sport: Wrestling is a performance art. It's equal parts performance and sport. It's not pure performance like Shakespear and it's not full sport like football. There's a show to be seen pulls in two worlds and that's what makes it great. There's currently no other spectacle like it.

2. Never ending story: This shit never ends and if you missed a decade of wrestling, it's on you. I say that because we'll still get references in stories to things that happened decades before I was born. I just missed it so I'm not gonna get them. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels is a good example. They had a feud lasting fucking decades. It started in the 80s, stayed quiet and finished in the 00s. That's crazy.

3. Exciting: It's exciting and has the ability to get you hype. Especially if you go to a live show. 80,000 people screaming their lungs out will hype you up. I still remember the night Bobby Lashley was the first person to break the master lock and everyone in the building lost their minds. I was also there losing my mind. That energy is contagious. To some extent it even extends through the television screen.

4. Soap Opera for Men: More men would watch soap operas if they were interesting. See pro wrestling, especially Lucha Underground has all the elements of a soap opera. But it also has highly choreographed fighting and that makes it great.

5. Bigger Than Life: A lot of wrestling seems to be grounded by some sort of reality. However there are those characters that just seem larger than life at times. The Undertaker is one of them, he really has this aura about him that sort of leaves you in awe. This is an old man leisurely making his way to the ring in a trench coat but you don't cheer or boo. You just watch because anything else would be disrespectful. These aren't always super natural characters either. The Rock is a Hollywood star now but he really did leave people hanging on his every word. He had that charisma. Others become bigger than life through things they do. Take Mark Henry for example, he holds legitimate records for his strength in drug tested competition. No other person willing to take a drug test has beaten records he set decades ago. Kurt Angle is another one, he legitimately won an Olympic gold medal in real wrestling with a "broken freaking neck" as he likes to remind people. It's just crazy which describes wrestling pretty well.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.

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