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5 Reasons Pro Wrestling Sucks

Wrestling is a strange thing. Once a sideshow act that rose to international fame, only to be brought back down through a steroid trial that revealed everything about the business. Yet, for some reason Wrestling will not go away and sometimes it makes you wish it would just go away. Such as James Ellesworth. Here's five other reasons that wrestling just plain sucks.

1. The Fans: Wrestling fans as a whole are horrible. Don't get me wrong there are some fans who are great people, but as a whole, they're horrible. Yes, that includes the guy who was at a show threatening Wale and got scared when Wale walked over. I mean, just look at the messages the women get on Twitter alone. There was one night the fans were chanting "You suck ____" at any woman that got in the ring. The ___ is whatever wrestler she was dating. So for Nikki it was "You suck Cena" or for Naomi it was "You suck Uso." Not a good look. But it's not just the women being sexually harassed. You should read some of the things they send the men on Twitter. Roman Reigns gets a lot of rape threats, not all from women either. Then there's the death threats from people taking it too serious. Oh, also people are dicks to kids. Yeah, there have been fans kicked out for heckling kids.

2. It's Dangerous: People watch NASCAR hoping to see someone die, that's my strong belief. It seems that every year a wrestler dies. Either in the ring due to an accident or somewhere else because of; suicide, hepatitis, drug over dose, alcoholism, heart attack or some other injury that can be linked to their time wrestling.

3. It's a Carny Gig: Wrestling started way back in the days of carnivals. Let's be honest and admit carnies aren't the greatest of people. Yeah, I'm stereotyping carnies. Anyway, wrestling is still very much a carny thing. Sure, nobody is pulling guns anymore or wrestling for drugs, and people aren't getting beat up by the goons in the back because they refuse to lose. But, it's still a carny thing. Vince McMahon may be the biggest carny of all time. But, lately Dixie Carter has been giving him a run for his money. She's got more ways to dodge paying someone than the club promoter from Atlanta.

4. Merchandise: Wrestling has some of the weirdest merchandise ever. Hats with fake ponytails, trading cards, life sized coffins, body pillows, 7-11 slurpees and the list goes on. On top of that wrestling T-Shirts are obnoxiously ridiculous so fans can spot each other from miles away.

5. It's fake: I'm not talking about the wrestling moves and all that. It's just so much fake stuff. The stories are fake even if you have one or two based on something in real life each decade. It's reached the point where Lucha Underground has undercover cops and a fucking dragon in the temple. They wrestle in a temple. This shit is so fake. The Undertaker is not a wizard, Kane can not literally drag you to hell.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.

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