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Why The New X-Men Movies Are Good

There's been a lot of talk lately about Fox rebooting the current line of X-Men movies. While some people are still yelling they should just give the rights back to Marvel, others are welcoming a reboot. However, there's a few of us that think otherwise. I think this series of X-Men movies is great. I love the new movies and don't really see why they need a reboot.

Some people state the timeline being a mess is why it needs a reboot. To that I ask, when has the X-Men timeline never been a mess? Seriously, right now the mutants are on the brink of extinction and Cyclops is kind of sort of dead, but it's okay because young Cyclops is chilling in the universe, along with young Jean Gray. What about Cable being Cyclops son, but also being a time traveler and accidentally gave Apocalypse his powers? It's a mess, the movies are doing great with that. I think all the X-Men movies are cannon, including all the Wolverine films and Deadpool. It's all cannon and timelines don't matter because they never have. X-Men love fucking with timelines, outer space and even alternate dimensions.

They may not be great as a trilogy, but as stand alone films they're okay. Days of Future Past is actually a great movie. The only problems with Apocalypse that I saw were they looked for some silly reason to change Storm's hair color and using Magneto instead of someone like Juggernaut or Rogue. It was just unnecessary to make him subservient to someone else, he just doesn't do that. Admittedly, most of First Class is forgettable, but that's okay because there's no really bad things to stand out.

So a staple of the old X-Men films was Wolverine. It was always about Wolverine. Well, the new movies have plenty of Wolverine, just don't make every single thing about him, and that's a good thing. I get it, people love Wolverine but we don't need the hairy mass of human with sharp claws rammed down our throats repeatedly as we try to vomit the thoughts of Deadpool in Wolverine Origins out of our system. 

Instead they make better use of lesser known X-Men or X-Men who were never really popular. I mean, who would have ever guessed that Havoc would be in a movie? C'mon man, everyone knows the real champs in that family are Cyclops and Cable. Nightcrawler has always been popular but in X-Men Apocalypse they just went ahead and made him a main character. Sure, he was knocked out during the last part of the fight, but not before saving everyone's ass and taking out Angel.

Lastly, the acting isn't exactly bad. Look, in the original films, some actors portrayed their roles greatly. But here's the thing, there were some choices that really had you asking "what the fuck?" An example would be Halle Barry as Storm. I love me some Halle Berry, just about everyone does. But, she was not the best Storm. Not at all. In fact, after her roles as Storm and Cat Woman prove that she should be banned from the superhero genre completely. We don't have those problems now.

I mean really, is there a good reason to reboot? Frankly, I'm just tired of Fox doing reboots. They're too scared to just stick with it. Look at Warner Bros and DC. They haven't had one film receive good reviews. But, they said fuck it, we're not doing any more reboots. You're just stuck with it and you'll keep watching even if you hate what you see. Fox gets one bad review and they burn the whole damn house down. There's no need for a reboot. Keep pushing forward. Also if someone from Fox is reading this, I know you see my tweets get at me about my plot for a sequel to Fant4stic.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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