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Reviewing The Classics: The Dark Knight Strikes Again

What can I say about The Dark Knight Strikes Again that hasn't always been said about Nate Parker's career? It showed great promise, was brought down by it's own arrogance in the midst of wrong doings and then did a victory lap which made people shake their heads. Wait, that's probably too far. Unlike Nate Parker at least The Dark Knight Strikes Again has it's positive moments.

The Dark Knight Strikes Again is a sequel by Frank Miller to his original and incredible work The Dark Knight Returns. It is nothing like the work that came before it besides the artwork. The story follows Batman and Carrie Champion leading a small group of rogues attempting to take down the government by reuniting old heroes. That's what it's supposed to be anyway, but it spends most of the time following other heroes.

Black Canary is working as a stripper in a group of women who dress as super heroes. They don't know she really is a super hero. Martian Manhunter has become a fat middle aged office worker who is afraid to use any of his powers. The Question is The Question, literally nothing has changed about him. Barry Allen is stuck running in a hamster wheel to power the country. Ray Palmer has been shrunk down and stuck in a petri dish. Green Arrow is out scouting for Batman. Superman is a shell of his former self and getting beat senseless. Wonder Woman seems great however. She went back to Themyscira and has been running it. She also has a secret daughter that was fathered by Superman and he didn't know. Yeah, he cheated on Lois Lane, they're still married in this story. Superman also goes to the arctic to contemplate dying alone but is rejuvenated both physical and mentally completely by sex with Wonder Woman. Let that sink in.

Batman sends his team to rescue former heroes to combat Donald Trump Lex Luthor and Braniac who have created a fake president and are basically controlling the world. It's just so damn ridiculous. Also, the side plot is a jokerfied Dick Grayson who has a healing factor good enough that Green Arrow was able to blow him to pieces only for him to be fine and dandy 20 minutes later. He's chasing down Carrie because he feels like Batman cares more about her than he does Dick. Also did I mention Hawk Girl and Hawk Man had two murderous children they raised in the rain forest. Batman recruits them.

It may seem like I'm rushing through explaining this story but I'm not. There's literally no exposition in any of this. The story is Batman rescues hero A who helps rescue Hero B who helps rescue Hero C. Heroes attack at concert. Superman fights Braniac as a last stand. Superman is saved by daughter. Together they defeat Braniac after uniting with Batman's forces. Batman allows himself to be captured and tortured by Lex to see his face when his empire is crushed. Then he lets one of the Hawk Kids murder Lex as he and Barry Allen watch. They drive back to the cave and kill Dick Grayson by feeding him to Bats and lava. That's it.

It was so bad. The only good thing was seeing how certain Superheroes adapted. The rest of it was just trash. The story was basic, the art was basic, character development was basic. I literally went on Twitter and questioned what was going on with Frank Miller at this point and time because it was so bad. I know Frank Miller does dope work, because I've read it. This just wasn't good work at all. I can't even recommend it unless you just want to see Frank Miller take a Chicago Sunroof on his previous work.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet. You can also check out his playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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