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Why Dick Grayson is Just The Worst Robin

Dick Grayson was the first young hero to take the role of Robin and become a side kick to Batman. He's long been considered to be the archetype of what a sidekick is supposed to be. When he grew out of being Batman's ward, he adopted the persona of Nightwing and led the Teen Titans and eventually The Titans. He's spent time as an agent of Spyral and is often praised as the best Robin there ever was. That's a lie, when we break it down to the four main Robins, Dick just can't stand up to the competition.

The second Robin was Jason Todd, currently known as The Red Hood. As a Robin Jason often rushed into danger without thinking, putting his life on the line for the greater good. He was also headstrong and had a violent temper, often putting him at odds with Batman when he would purposely injure criminals. On one occasion he may or may not have pushed a pedophile and leader of a child sex ring off a balcony. According to Jason, he tripped. Jason died when he attempted to save his mother from an explosion, despite him being trapped there because she had betrayed him and told Joker of his identity. When he returned to life he suffered some mental illness but he's had it all straightened out now after getting some help from unlikely sources.

The third Robin was Tim Drake. He was different in the sense that he was not an orphan and his parents were already wealthy. He discovered the identity of Batman, earned his trust and was eventually taken in as the third Robin. However, he had the shortest stint as Robin. Choosing to leave the Bat Cave behind, take the name of Red Robin and lead his own successful version of the Teen Titans.

The fourth and current Robin is Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce and Talia Al' Ghul conceived after Talia drugged then seduced Bruce. Damian was dropped on Bruce's doorstep as an angry child who had no concept of emotional connections. During his time as Robin he's worked independently to right the wrongs he committed under his mother's tutelage. Yet, he's faced some issues with limiting his level of violence, similar to Jason.

Now, I know you may be asking how Dick is the worst, and that's easy. Because unlike the other Dick has no skill that he excels at. There is no category in which Dick Grayson excels. He doesn't even have a set of well rounded traits. He just falls flat when compared to the others.

For example, Jason is clearly the best fighter and strategist. Jason has undergone training from Batman, The League of Assassins and The All Caste. He's managed to come out on top in battles with Batman. Deathstroke and Ra's as well as hold his own in a brief and unexpected battle with Superman. He's also bested the other three on multiple occasions, critically wounding both Tim and Damian in the past. He's also the best strategist, managing to take control of Gotham's organized crime fully in a matter of days. He's managed to take control of The League of Assassins and led a small band of heroes to prevent a complete alien invasion of Earth, as well as defend the planet Tameran from being conquered. His motto is "you may not be the smartest but you can always be the most prepared," and he is. Dick Grayson has led the Titans. Dick Grayson has no feats to compare to these, he's purely outclassed.

What about Tim Drake? Well, Batman himself has stated that Tim Drake will one day become the world's greatest detective and already isn't far from passing Batman himself. Keep in mind, as a child Tim Drake managed to learn that Batman was Bruce Wayne, Nightwing was Dick Grayson who was the original Robin and that there was a second Robin after Dick that had gone missing. Then he showed up and hung around Wayne Manor eating cookies with Alfred until Bruce and Dick just had to accept it. What about Dick Grayson's skills as a detective? He was too slow to figure out the murders surrounding Haly's Circus were an inside job, and caused the circus to be bombed. While teaming with the first Batwing, David Zavimbe, he required constant explanations of how David was piecing together clues. So Dick's not a good detective, maybe he excels elsewhere.

Damian is a master of stealth already. Showing the ability to infiltrate locations that others would struggle to. Damian managed to infiltrate both Tim and Jason's secret hideout locations without either of them noticing. He's also been able to travel the world leaving clues for Bruce to find without Bruce noticing that he was being trailed, or Alfred noticing he had left Gotham. Dick Grayson, had his secret identity revealed to the world because he was caught slipping.

Sure, he's more capable than a lot of heroes. I'd rather Dick Grayson try to save me than Plastic Man. But, when it comes to being a Robin he's just outclassed by everyone. There are no feats of incredible ability from Dick Grayson. The other Robins have all been forced to live in his shadow, so they've gone the distance to prove that they're better than him. Maybe he just gives the best hugs since according to Batman, Jason lacks sympathy, Tim lacks Empathy and Damian just learned his 4th emotion. When it comes to being Robin, Dick just sucks. What kind of grown man named Richard chooses to go by Dick anyway?

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Very fun, well thought out article. Really enjoyed that.

    1. I'm glad to hear that, I imagine Dick would read this and become a better hero.

  2. How many times can you mix up Tim as the worst

  3. Grayson is the best athlete due to his upbringing. Combine that with the longest time training alongside Bruce, leading a multiple teams of heroes, it's out and out wrong to be dismissive of his talent.

    All of the subsequent Robins had to have an emphasis put on particular skill sets to differentiate them from Grayson who's been trained to take over the Bat-mantle the longest.

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