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How Gotham Became Good in Season 2

There was a time when I wouldn't even think of watching Gotham. That first season did nothing to hold my interest but I kept coming back, because I'm a glutton for punishment. The proof of that is I'm still hoping Arrow gets better than it was season four. The first season of Gotham was sloppily written and simply did too much to lay groundwork for future. Additionally it tried to create unique and interesting stories while still paying homage to classic tales. It just didn't work, yet the second season was so much better. In fact, I'd say the only comic book related TV Show that was better for the time period was The Flash. So, how did they do it?

First there was a lot less focus placed on Bruce. Yes, Bruce was in every episode and the main plot did tie into his side plot at the end. Yet, he was the main character. We didn't have to sit through as Bruce learned to throw punches from Alfred or attended class. We got Bruce investigating his parents murder and his father's secret ties to a nefarious lab that shall not be named to avoid spoilers. During all this Bruce had more to do this season, with less screen time and it worked out for the best.

The biggest change has to be the focus on non Bruce characters. Gordan finally seems like the star of the show he was always destined to be and shows more emotion than just plain rage. We get some insight on what makes Bullock tick as a man. There's also more information given to the viewers on the underground world that Selina and Ivy inhabbit.

The real stars however, were without a doubt the villains. Part of the season was titled Rise of The Villains and they rose alright. Unlike the first season villains were given more than just one episode to create an attachment with characters. During the Mr. Frieze episodes you couldn't help but be enthralled with Victor and Nora. Nora didn't want to die and kept pushing his experiments further, but only when she learned how far he had gone did she feel any regret about it. We watched Nigma move further and further into madness until he finally becomes The Riddler and frames Jim Gordon for several murders.

Most interesting are Penguin and Hugo Strange. Penguin does attempt to go straight and does well with it, even after being betrayed. That is until his betrayers mock and torment him and he seeks revenge. Then he attempts to move back to mob life but doesn't wish to harm Butch as he still considers him a friend. Then there's Hugo who is working for an organization that shall not be named. He's reviving dead criminals and giving them new personas and in one case, he accidentally gives an already dangerous person super powers.

Season two was a lot simpler in terms of plot that the first, yet it did a lot more with less. It was a simple "We want to take over the city and kill some people" plot but it managed to lay the ground work for some really interesting things. I'm doing my best not to spoil it but I'm really excited for where season three will be going with the mysterious organization that I won't name. Gotham is just proof that a show with a poor first season can turn it around to be something great. So there's still hope for Supergirl.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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