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Comic Review: The Adventures of Wally Fresh #4

Written and Illustrated by: Turner Lange
Publisher: Rosarium
Release Date: June 22, 2016

I almost quit my job the other day. I was sitting there and thinking to myself "I could be reading Wally Fresh right now." Issue #4 was out and it wrapped up the Cupid's Arrow story. I really wanted to read it. But work and things like that were keeping me busy. So, I walked into my boss's office and said, nothing. But I've got a lot to say about Wally Fresh #4.

So if you haven't been reading the series so far, which means you're either illiterate or lack a part of your soul, our hero Wally has been kidnapped by a serial killer. He met this serial killer because he thought online dating would solve the problems in his love life. His friend Valerie, who he is in a strictly platonic relationship with, and his roommate Barry, who is a beaver, are out to save him. Issue 4 picks up with the police closing in on Crystal's location, Valarie and Barry loading up on ninja gear and Wally trying to escape. Things only manage to somehow get wilder from there. I'm not sure why I was shocked because this is the series that featured a group of hipster muggers.

The raid on the place is RIDICULOUS! There's death traps and giant robots. The showdown between Valerie and Crystal was well worth the wait. Lange also does a great job of depicting the action in different ways. Some paged depict a stream of consecutive actions while others feature a montage of sorts to depict that action. Cuts back and forth between Valerie and Wally also help show that these are going on at the same time which is a change from battles being depicted one at a time even if they are simultaneously taking place in the same location.

Wrapping up the arc wasn't necessarily a full wrap up and it left plenty of questions over. Will they ever try shrooms? What about Wally and Valerie? Would Barry beat Perry The Platypus in a fight? Actually the answer to that last one is yet. The point is that Lange does a good job with finishing this individual story while managing to leave enough questions that the story can move on and come back to this later.

By now you realize that I'm going to tell you to pick up a copy of Wally Fresh #4 and you're right, I am going to tell you pick up a copy. I'm also going to tell you that The Adventures of Wally Fresh Vol 1: Cupid's Arrow will be released on October 5, 2016. That's right, you'll be able to pick up all four issues at once, and I know you want all 4 issues. I want to read all four issues again, in fact I will.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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