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Poem: Nothing Matters, It's Spring by Garser Dismuke

This poem is one inspired by the young love that usually sprouts or flourishes during the Spring Season. I wanted to capture a scenario where the love is longing and where the reader reminisces on their past love.

Nothing Matters, It's Spring

When the cherries blossom the heart flutters for it knows of the connotations of spring where the young heart craves that special feeling of being paired with another soul. 4x4 the heart stacks up nicely with an outline of which it aspires. The sight of seeing that special someone causes the body to gush with passion. Those unintended brushes of the shoulders sending the body into disarray. Just the thought of a handshake or, if you’re lucky, a hug can make one cry. These emotions mixed with the sensation that is common with Spring, is a recipe for love euphoria.

Sitting around the bonfire staring across the brimming fire to look at her cheeks blush as she casually looks up to see you looking back at her. None of the people around you matter because she, is the one. She’s the person you want to throw into that rusty car, carve the roof off to create a drop top, and blast the radio’s tunes because sometimes the radio pulls through for you. And if the radio is trash today, nothing matters because you got her.

The nights are cool with a sensual breeze. Walking side by side with the casual bumping into each other. Her laughing produces a sense of accomplishment. You give in. Grabbing her by the hand you swing her into your hold. Her eyes and your eyes beaming with excitement stirred with confusion, you leap in pressing your lips with hers. The night sky turns into a sea of colors and nothing matters because Spring, has done its job.

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