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ISOY: Fan and Parody Accounts

It is 2016 and we still have Fan and Parody accounts in full blossom. Who the fuck is still running these accounts? Who is still following them? Who is still taking advise to them. If it doesn't seem like I hate these accounts, then I'm not trying hard enough.

Lets start with Fan Accounts. I get it, you love that wrestler or artist, or actor, or K Pop Idol, or comic book character, but having a page dedicated to just that person is amazingly weird. Weird as fuck. You dedicate your internet life to posting and solely talking about that one person. This is not healthy nor is it cool. You may have a mental or insane problem going down this route. Of all the problems with Fan Accounts, there are two aspects that really piss me off. One, they never have a picture of themselves on the Internet. They don't even have a second page that is about them like some do. The worst part about this is that they always seem to comment on a person's bad looks but no one knows what they look like. I don't mind a person not having their face in their avi but to always comment on how someone looks is just plain ignorant. You don't even have enough courage to put yourself on the Internet, how are you going to comment on how someone else looks?

The second most hated reason related to Fan Accounts is that they spam. All day long they post just images upon images of this person. I mostly see this with K Pop fans and WWE fans. ll day long all I see are pictures of The Shield and male K Pop Idols. To you not have a job, school, or anything better to do besides finds pictures of one person and post them all day long. These are some reasons why I hate Wrestling and K Pop fans. That shit is weird.

Now to move on to Parody Accounts. Parody Accounts used to be funny when Twitter first started. They had themes and were just cool. Now there are probably more Parody Accounts then actual normal accounts on Twitter. On Top of that they all post the same shit but everyone still follows and retweets them. These people are not original. They steal each other's tweets all the time. Nothing is new with them. And a majority of them are not even funny. Actually none of them are funny.

We just need to get rid of all of these accounts. Now I never really care what a person does but when it starts to effect me, or in this case, annoy me, it needs to start. You people need to do something productive with your lives. I'm Sick Of You Fan and Parody Accounts.


  1. Them fan accounts are serious business when you say something cross about their fave. "Where's the peanut butter cut ur jelly of him."

    Critical hit, HP bar empties out.

    1. lmfao. Exactyl. The damn fans worst then the account

  2. Accurate af, great article.

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