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5 things Pokémon Can teach us About Life

My name is Taylor and if you were anything at all like me then staying up late Friday night playing Pokémon and waking up early Saturday morning to watch Pokémon feels all too familiar (although for me this describes last weekend almost too perfectly). Fun fact there are over 500 Pokémon now, but let us rewind and take a second and go back to the original 150 and reminisce on the lessons that young Ash Ketchum and crew taught us:
1. Keep your trusted friends close
Ash had Misty and Brock and these 2 were there whether Ash was venturing into a volcano or messing around with some fire breathing dragon that had no respect for authority (Charizard). Ash had his ride n’ dies for sure and they were always involved in his decisions and he in theirs. Find friends that will push you and hold you accountable. Do not let the people around you hold you back.

2. Never Give Up

Ash wanted to be the very best, that no one ever was.  This is a daunting task for anyone in anything but he always gave maximum effort (deadpool reference) and his close friends always held him accountable which brought out the best from him in return.  He didn’t win the championship in the first go round or second and I am actually not really sure if he has won one yet but gosh dang it that kid is going to get his time in the sun.

3. Set Goals

This is so important, you must set your goals to achieve them.  Ash knew from the get go what he wanted to do, he then broke down that goal into smaller goals and made a plan. He wanted to go to the Indigo League, to get into the league he would need 8 badges…etc.  No matter what you want to do you HAVE to set your goal set a big goal like HUGE, write it down, shout it every morning something anything.  Then you have to break that goal down into benchmarks and work at it every day.

4. Remember where you came from

It is up to us to give back to our personal communities, especially in the black community.  Ash glowed up, he was one of a few trainers to get all 8 badges and be able to participate in the championships.  He was a humble trainer from a single parent home in a small town. Ash was pretty big time.  Even with all his success he never forgot where he came from and always came back to pay his hometown some respect.  Major props Ash.

5. This is YOUR journey
At the end of the day this is your journey.  Ash could’ve compared himself to so many people especially Gary and become discouraged but he never lost sight of who he was.  We have to stop comparing ourselves to find happiness.  This is your journey, your life.  No one else could ever be Ash Ketchum and no one else can ever be you.  You may not be where you want to be yet, but if you keep after it every single day you’ll be there before I can say Alakazam. Now Go out there and be the best, NAY the very best, like no one ever was. That is your real test.

by: Taylor Bauldwin 
Twitter: @taylor_made20


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