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Dragonball Z: Cooler’s Revenge Review

By Daniel DiNatale

Dragonball Z has always been something that everyone has loved whether you're an anime fan or not. But, do the movies hold up as well as the TV Show did? I recently watched Dragonball Z-Cooler's Revenge, and thought why not write a review on it. I know this is a very old move to review, but once again, I thought why not? The movie is short and simplistic (which kind of disappointed me a lot, but hey. still good old DBZ).

Story- (7/10) As I said before, the story is simplistic. To tell the truth, there are not even 10 characters in this movie. And the main character, which we all know is Goku, is hurt half the movie. So, yeah, that was kind of disappointing. The story goes on to tell how Cooler is coming to Earth to get revenge of the Saiyan that beat his brother to death, and all that fun stuff, even though Cooler implies somewhere that he hates Frieza. I don’t know. A lot of things in Dragonball Z didn’t make sense.

Art- (7/10) Dragonball Z’s art is nothing really special compared to the newer Dragonball Z movies that came out as of recent here. This movie was made back in the early 90s, and I will say, the art does hold up pretty well. Come on. Who didn’t love seeing Goku power up to Super Saiyan and the animation that came along with it.

Sound- (9/10) The sound for this movie was very good. I'm still wondering why they use heavy rock for the U.S. version of this movie. To me, it sounds better than the Japanese 2.0 mono. But if you don't like the 2.0 mono, there is also a Japanese 5.1 stereo and also English 5.1 stereo. (I know these are the tracks on the DVD's, not sure about the Blu-Ray's though).

Character- (10/10) It's Dragonball Z. C'mon. They're all the same characters we know and love. Sean Schemmel as Goku is the best anime role ever in anime, because we don’t hear him a lot in other anime. He plays Goku so well that even though people don’t, or in some cases, can’t stand the dub, I find it very enjoyable even though people ridicule it. Out of all the characters in the movie, there is one character that did an amazing job. That person is the main villain in the movie, Cooler. Andrew Chandler (who is Cooler), does an amazing job playing this role. I'm surprised he isn't in more anime, or voice over casts for that matter. Dude did an amazing job. He plays Cooler perfectly, and he makes his demeanor of Cooler aggressive and powerful, just like Cooler is “supposedly” supposed to be since he claims he can beat everyone. But I won’t spoil the movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.

Enjoyment- (7/10) Truth be told, being a Dragonball Z fan, I love anything from the franchise. But, if I have to look at this from a serious perspective, it's not all that great. There are better DBZ movies out there, like The Return of Cooler, which as implies, is the sequel to this movie.

Overall- (7/10) Bottomline, this movie is good. Not great, but just good. If you like Dragonball Z, go watch this movie. Even buy it on DVD. It's like 4 bucks for the original release. It’s also in Dragonball Z: Movie Collection 1 DVD and on Blu-Ray somewhere on Amazon. Track it down. Even if you don't like DBZ, this is a good movie to watch.
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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