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WWE Rewrites Black History

Somewhere backstage or in the front offices, most likely around Michael Hayes there's some racist person with a lot of pull in WWE. That person has convinced the WWE that their target demographic is the diet racism guy. The "I don't say the n word, but if one was dating my daughter I might not be happy about it guy." The "Blacks are really bad... I AM NOT MY FATHER," guy. 

The guy who has racist thoughts all the time but doesn't say them out loud because he knows it's bad. That's who WWE is aiming at. I'm not saying that you're racist if you watch WWE and enjoy Daniel Bryan. I'm just saying there's probably a lot more diet racist people that like Daniel Bryan. Don't tell me WWE isn't racist. They haven't even had a black WWE Champion in their history.

I know what you're saying "The Rock is black and he was WWE Champion." Let me say this bluntly once and for all. Fuck that noise you're stressing. I don't see The Rock as black. Rock doesn't see The Rock as black. WWE doesn't see The Rock as black, except for February. You can play the one drop rule all you want but here's the facts. Rock is Samoan when he tells people his heritage, he's Samoan in his Twitter bio. He's Samoan on Instagram. He never mentions how his father Rocky Johnson was one of the first black champions in professional wrestling. He spent some time in the Nation of Domination, by ousting the leader and then breaking up the stable in less than a year. WWE doesn't even acknowledge Rock's time in The Nation of Domination, they always skip over that. But, they will gladly tell you about his Samoan lineage. He will gladly tell you about his Samoan lineage and never speak a word about being black. WWE doesn't ever mention him being black, they just throw his picture in their yearly Black History Month video intro. When Rock acknowledges he's black, I will. But until then, there's never been a black WWE Champion.

Oh wait, there was a black WWE Champion. Bobo Brazil. He won the WWE Championship in 1962 but WWE doesn't recognize his reign. No particular reason, except he's black. They do recognize it in Black History Month. But that's it. Let's look at how WWE celebrates Black History Month. Every year WWE releases short videos about Black History. Why don't you check out the example here.

Did you watch it? That's the only time you hear about Bobo Brazil. Let's look at some of the other wrestlers on the list. Ahmed Johnson was a top wrestler in the company for years and even stared in several movies. The first black Intercontinental Champion and he can't even get a spot in the Hall of Fame but Pete Rose, Donald Trump and Drew Carey can. I'm not even joking. What about Jacqueline? First black women's champion? No Hall of Fame spot for her but Trish Stratus is and Trish was pretty bad most of her career. Junkyard Dog and Koko B. Ware are in the Hall of Fame. They say Junkyard Dog was one of the most popular wrestler of all time. Yet, he never touched the WWE Championship. He won a tournament that didn't mean anything at all. He got the Black Consolation Prize. Koko B. Ware is inducted, but when he was wrestling it wasn't an unspoken rule. It was a written rule, "Black people are not allowed to win championships."

Let's talk about Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V. This one kind of hurt me because WWE held him up as this big legend. Don't get me wrong he was a big man, but when he wanted to shrink down they wanted to keep him big. He never got the WWE Championship either. When they finally fired him after milking him for 15 years he was still a big man but dropped over 200lbs. But it didn't come soon enough and he died from his first heart attack. How did WWE respond? They didn't. WWE didn't pay for his funeral, WWE didn't give him a tribute video, commentary didn't mention him. His picture wasn't shown before broadcast for a week. These are all things that WWE does for wrestlers after they die. Viscera worked for WWE for 15 years and didn't get so much as a passing "Shame he died." So for them to hold him up as a legend is bullshit because everyone else recognized him as a legend except them. 

There's a ton of other things I can mention like Bobby Lashley leaving because he was tired of the racism. Michael Hayes still being employed after decades of race based abuse most notably telling Mark Henry "I'm more of a nigger than you." Kofi Kingston is a 17 champion in WWE and never even had a match for the WWE Championship. Miz can get a WWE Championship reign but R-Truth can't (He's the first black NWA Champion). This isn't even my first post about WWE and racism. WWE is known for rewriting their history. Now they're rewriting black history.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Erm weird weird weird...

    Since the WWWF title didn't exist until 1963 it would be impossible to win it in 1962.

    Furthermore the very title change you reference never occurred it was for the NWA world title AND he hit Rogers low and then he refused on the spot to take the title since he had cheated IT WAS A FINISH TO A MATCH, Repeated by Sammartino a few weeks later.

    I'd suggest you figure out why you chose to REWRITE HISTORY in order to accuse WWE of now doing so kinda pathetic to use a man who died 24 years ago to make up lies.

    Also don't think anyone with a brai. Didn't see the attempt at a subconscious line straight to hogans video.


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