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No Fairy Tail Ending

"I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee." That's a phrase we've all heard too many times. You know what else we've heard? "I don't like Fairy Tail" or "Fairy Tail is trash." What we don't hear enough of is people who admit they used to enjoy Fiary Tail. Remember there was a time when The Big 3 (One Piece, Naruto, Bleach) were considered The Big 4 with Fairy Tail included. Then, Fairy Tail love went away and Toriko moved into that possible 4th slot. But we already know how I feel about Toriko. Allow me to shed some light, because I like many others used to enjoy Fairy Tail.

Fairy Tail used to be enjoyable. It had the fights, the story, the comedy, the art and anything else you could want from a manga. Sure, Lucy could be annoying but Natsu, Gray and Erza were awesome. Those three were also great for a ton of laughs. But, they could throw down when necessary. Remember the fight in The Tower of Heaven? What about the first use of Fairy Law? When Erza took on her Edolas counterpart in a battle for the world? All these and a ton of other great fights were what kept me in. That all changed when The Grand Magic Games ended.

Now I admit that The Grand Magic Games was the weakest arc by far. But, it wasn't because of the fights. It was because there was no real point to it. All the time travel and nothing really changed. We didn't have any character development for the main character. It was just a week story. But we still had awesome fights that kept us interested. But once it was over things changed.

Once The Grand Magic Games were over it was obvious that the story and fights no longer mattered. It was all for the fan service. I saw an increase in the fan service during the GMG, random bikinis and closeups of breast. There was even some fan service for the ladies. Pretty sure every guy in the arc except Laxus and Freed appeared shirtless.

It was all about the fan service. The story no longer made any sense. Almost every chapter has a plot twist now and none of them ever get wrapped up anymore. Suddenly there's no need for training because everyone powers up through friendship now.

The friendship powerups are killing me. There's no more Natsu fighting monsters to practice new techniques. He just needs to see a friend get hit and he gets a new move. Lucy doesn't try to increase her magic capacity anymore. She just becomes best friends with one of her spirits and is able to summon the spirit king. Erza just has to see Mira get hit then she can be the best fighter in the world despite the fact that she no longer has access to any of her senses. It's ridiculous. If they trained they wouldn't need their friends to take beatings to power them up. It all seems to be rushed at this point in the story.

I get it, it was a story about friendship and overcoming the odds through hardwork. That's what it was when Fairy Tail started. Now it's 2D titties and Friendship Power over 9000. Sure it was never the strongest in the story department but now every past enemy is a friend, random enemies who have no beef with Fairy Tail are starting wars. It's too much going on, while nothing happens. Usually you expect a Fairy Tail to have a happy ending and a strong moral lesson. The only thing I've learned is that if you run out of plot points, always remember Mashima said sex sells.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. I used to love fairy Tail. As soon as I caught up and finished the Edolas Arc people told me to stop because things after that got stupid. I do want to watch the Tartarus arc in the anime because I heard it was actually good. Even my friend who hates Fairy tail said it was good.

    1. I actually gave up on the Tartarus arc. It had the makings of a great arc but the fan service got in the way and there were unnecessary twists at every turn. Eventually I just gave up and moved on to something else.

    2. "Fanservice got in the way"

      Except there isn't any

      "Unnecessary twists" you mean the twists that make sense?

      Lol nice try though

    3. Stop your lies. Characters constantly seeming to die only to return later. And don't tell me there isn't any fan service with every chapter has someone's clothes being ripped off or in an unnecessary provocative pose. It's all about fan service.

  2. I'm still in the process of watching Fairy Tail. The series was brought but so it still must be popular in Japan. I don't mind fan service I mean I watched HSOTD. I do agree that the power of friendship theme gets pretty old quick in Fairy Tail but for me the series is enjoyable. -Taiwan

    1. I watched HSOTD as well so no fan service gets to me lol. My problem with Fairy Tail is the shitty plot at certain points

    2. I also watched HSOTD. The fan service was annoying but the story was great and the animation was incredible. I still don't know how that sniper shot worked. You know exactly what sniper shot I'm talking about too.

    3. lol boobs have to be used in times of need

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