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Fanfiction Must Stopped

With Naruto over there's been a rapid influx of fanfiction in the world. People weren't happy so they're just rewriting the ending in Jerry Springer style. The stories aren't very good. They often only use the basic aspect of each characters. Then they add sex because sex always forwards the plot, right Gantz. The best part about fanfiction is it rarely even matches the same medium. Actually there's no best part of fanfiction. Pretty sure the second season of Sword Art Online was fanfiction. But, I stand by my point.

Let's start with the love. There's this thing called shipping that gets out of hand. People put two characters in a relationship, thus they ship them. Some of them are automatic Ed and Winry for example others are more out there like Narto and Ino. Yes, people vote for that. I don't really care about shipping. I'm not here for it. But some of you "shippers" are out of hand and it needs to stop now. By all means, keep shipping, I don't care. But pull it back.

For example. There's a petition to have Naruto banned right now because Naruto and Sakura didn't end up together. That's funny, didn't know people cared that much. When does it go too far? When Kishimoto starts getting death threats. When he has to do interviews explaining why he wrote his story the way he chose. It's ridiculous. Calm that shit down. But what's the other option? They write fanfiction.

Fanfiction in it's nature seems harmless. People get a chance to practice writing with characters who are already developed. They have the ability to expand on a universe that has ample space for back stories. Seems nice right? WRONG. It often takes a turn for the worse automatically. There are three types of fan fiction and two need to go away right now.

First, the love story. I call them love story because I don't want to call them badly written sex scenes with 3000 bonus words. These are the people who can't help but turn an already good series to a late night TV show with a bad sex scene that you watch through the static just because. Who is writing things and who is getting off to them? These are the worst because they're the most widely circulated. They're anywhere people are allowed to post their stories. C'mon man, I don't shy away from sex at all. But c'mon there's got to be a limit. On top of that a lot of this stuff has under aged kids. That makes you a lolicon. We already know I don't condone the lolicons.

The second time is the slasher type. Everyone has to die and they have to do it now. These are like snuff films in word form. On top of that, it's always some character that doesn't make sense. Rock Zoro gets tired and kills the entire crew? Really? You've just got violent tendencies that need to be addressed before you start killing cats and eventually graduate to people.

The last kind is the kind that mixes the two. Do I need to say more? Necrophilia, rape, murder, it's all in there. It's like a bad horror film, but in words. Words shouldn't be used for this kind of garbage. It's an offense to the art of writing. Yes, I read the things I post. Yes, I think they're better than fanfiction.

I understand that there are people who write good fanfiction. Fanfiction that explain things that led to the creation of warp pipes in the Mario universe. But guess what, you rarely see those. Fanfiction has to go as a whole. I suggest those that write good fan fiction start writing fan theories or send them to Game Theory or something.

You can hear Darrell on the CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. He also plays classic arcade games on The Cabinet

Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.


  1. Why are you so salty about it though? Ah, I'm asking this as a genuine question so I hope you don't flip me out asap. As far as I've seen, people properly tag stuff and it's their fault they're going to hell because of that really smutty 2k fic about sadistic doctors they're writing about. If you keep seeing them left and right, I guess you have bad luck lol.

  2. MONEY? I might start writing fan fiction. We ain't making money over here lol

  3. Fans weren't ready to let the series go and many would write their own stories using the characters and settings they had enjoyed on the small screen.fanfiction

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