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What Makes a great Kage?

Lets be honest. There are plenty of Kages in Naruto that we just don't care about. Some of these Kages are bad because they are either week or don't have the mindset to be in such a high position. I'm going to talk about what it seems a Kage should be. I might focus on the Hokage the most due to the fact that we all know who all of the Hokages are.

Sasuke's description of "A" Hokage at the end of the series was some what right. The part that he said right was how the Hokage is supposed to be above the rest by taking in all pain and making things better the best way he can. He's basically saying that someone with the title of Kage should not have too much emotion when dealing with situations. He feels that they have to rule with what's best for everyone. I completely agree with this. I don't agree that Itachi was a prime example of a Kage but he does have qualities of what makes one. The same goes for Danzou. They know how to make very difficult decisions without imparting their own personal feelings into it. A bad example of this would be anything Tsunade has done. Now granted she has done things that make her an effective leader but there are too many small personal decisions that she made that has made her look like a ineffective leader.

I also think a Kage should be ready to die in battle if need be.  A good portion of Kages have all died in battle protecting their village or in Tobirama's case, his comrades which lead them to win the war. You can also count Danzou because he died trying to kill the then defunked Sasuke. Finally I think that a good Kage is able to see the good and evil in people and decipher what they will do with them. For an example, the code the leaf Village stayed the same throughout the series. Knowing that you have enemies who used to be apart of the village, you need to change the code. This killed me. The leaf as constantly attacked because someone for got to change the pass code. Damn you Leaf.

You can here me on my anime podcast Kage Summit and follow me on Twitter

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